Global community builder

Global community builder

Meet optical engineer, College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Advisory Network member, and United Kingdom Network Leader Pedro Vallejo Ramirez ’16

Pedro Vallejo Ramirez ’16 standing with a woman in front of a circular buiding with old architecture and iron black fenceShare a bit about yourself!

I was born in Colombia and raised in Panama, and I originally applied to study mechanical engineering at the University of Rochester. It wasn’t until the first few weeks on campus that I learned about the University’s world-class optics program, and I hesitantly (at first) sat in the Optics 101 lecture with Professor Wayne Knox. Eleven years later, I hold a PhD in optical microscopy and work as an optical engineer at Snap Inc doing research and development for augmented reality glasses. What’s even neater, and something I didn’t expect during my time as a student, is that I apply what I learned during my optics training at the University on a daily basis.

When did you get first get involved as an alumni volunteer? What role(s)?

I’ve always been interested in listening to people’s life stories and how mostly random and serendipitous encounters determined the course of their lives and careers. This led me to join the Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAA) during my time as an undergraduate and I attended events all over the United States to mingle with alumni. Ever since graduating, I’ve been involved with the London alumni community, helping with event coordination, and actively encouraging my peers to attend.

What inspired you to get connected and get active, and continue to stay involved?

I still feel a very strong connection to the University, not only due to the wonderful times I had on campus, but also due to the gratitude I have towards my education and the opportunities it opened for me. When Dean Gloria Culver reached out to invite me to the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Advisory Network, I didn’t hesitate to join! The Advisory Network has been a fantastic conduit for learning about the University’s global strategy, and to be able to contribute with my own opinions on how to continue engaging alumni outside the US.

What advice do you have for fellow alumni and friends who may be interested in taking a more active role in our alumni and friends community?

Reach out to the Office of Alumni Relations to find the next event close to you, and then go to the event! Take the plunge, you never know who you might meet and have stories in common with. It’s great to be in a collective atmosphere where everyone has had a common experience and walked the same hallways.