Maison ROCOCO Corporation Founder and CEO Yohay Wakabayashi poses for a photograph in at Sensoji Temple on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2023 in Tokyo. (

Show us your town: Tokyo

Visitors love the city’s temples, shrines, and gardens. They savor its sushi, noodles, yakitori, and many culinary delights. And they...

microchips being moved by tweezers to microscope

Taking a Look at Optics

We asked three alumni who graduated in different generations to provide their perspectives on optics, education, and the future....

Linh Phillips ’13S (MBA) is sitting on a white bench smiling as a meal is on the table in front of her within a basket.

Sir Rocha Says

Linh Phillips ’13S (MBA) has long been the food expert in her circle of friends—the one people turned to for...