Pursuing Knowledge

Each year, alumni volunteers take the lead in organizing a daylong event that brings together University faculty members for a...

A Pilot Finds a New Mission

A former Navy pilot makes it her mission to help others “live with hope” by bringing yoga to populations that...

Show Us Your Town: Houston

Home to nearly 1,200 alumni and friends, Houston is one of the country’s friendliest and most diverse cities, say members...

A Lifetime as a Leader

Ruth Lawrence ’49M (MD) A trailblazing pediatrician, a Medical Center physician says she “hit the jackpot” in life. Ruth Lawrence...

Tuning in to Sonic Culture

Take out your earbuds and just listen. The world may “look” different, says musicologist Gabrielle Cornish ’13, ’16E (MA). (Illustration:...

Toting a Tony

When Madeline Topkins Michel ’77 took the stage at the Tony Awards ceremony in June to receive the 2019 Excellence...

Connecting the University Community

Rochester’s new head of Alumni Relations and Constituent Engagement wants to strengthen connections, opportunities, and networks. Karen Chance Mercurius ENGAGING...

A Mind for Sound

Kedar Shashidhar ’15, ’16 (KEY), one of Rochester’s first audio and music engineering graduates, is on the forefront of three-dimensional...

Jodi Rubtchinsky Smith ’90

Graduating from college into a workplace environment can feel like an abrupt transition. If I had one word of etiquette...