In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Frank Lillich BS63 PP95
Eugene Lilly BS54
Thomas Limner BS66
Ralph Limpert BS64
Constance Lincke BS57 MA58 (Sprague)
Lewis Lincoln BS67 PP01
Joel Lind
Earl Lind BS61 MS72
Emily Lindblom DPL54 BS57 PP91 (Oliver)
Jay Linderman BA60
Jean Lindsay BS68 MA76
James Link
Barbara Link BA58 EDM60 (Bowman)
Lawrence Lipman BA69
Louis Lippert BA71
Diane Lipsky BA59 (Greenberg)
Ed Lipson
Alvin Lipton BA66
Sharon Liptzin BA69 (Rothstein)
Gary Lisman
Robert List (List)
Helen Litten BS68
Marjorie Little
Richard Little BA65
Robert Litwin BS68
Eileen Livingston BS72 (North)
John Lloyd BA69
David Lloyd BS54
Carol Lloyd DPL52 BS58 MS60 (Benson)
Barbara Lochner
Brian Lodato
Frederick Loder BA57
Thomas Lodice
Armin Loeb BA54
David Loeser BA72
Bernard Logan BS56 EDM73
Karen Lohan (Dillinger)
Robert Lohnes BS54
Robert Loiselle b56
Hector Lombard BS67
Robert Long BA58
Larry Long BA62
Janet Long BS61 BS62 MS69
Richard Long BS71
Oliver Longhine BS55 MS59
Robert Longworth BS54
George Lonkevich BA62
John Loock BA54
Francis Look BS65
Mary Loomis BS68 (Cardamone)
Patricia Looney BA71 EDM78 (Pragacz)
John Lootens BA62
Juan Lopez
Philip LoPresti BA56
David Lord BS68
Walter Lorensen BS58
Seth Lourie BA59
Lucy Loux BA65
Bruce Love BS54 PHD61
Leslie Lovenheim BS65 (Gottfried)
John Lovett BS68
Lefford Lowden BA63
John Lowe BS58
Michael Lowenstein BA60
Willis Lowery BA55
Bradley Lown BA66
Mary Lozeau BA66 PP95 (Mullen)
Herm Lubberts BS66
Judith Lucas BS60 (Briskie)
Lyle Luce BS63
Daniel Luch BS65
William Lucianovic BA64
Warren Lucker b64
Gail Lucker BS55 (Hodgins)
Joan Luckett
Dorothy Luckett BA61 (Smith)
Gerald Lucovsky BS56 MA58
Gail Ludemann-Newman
Davidson Luehring b55
Phyllis Luethke BS72 (Pollack)
Janet Luft BS54 (Woods)
John Lugert BS60
Henry Lukas
Frank Lukasiak BS58
David Lukasik
Jayson Lumish BA70
Olof Lundberg BS64
Jeannette Lundgren BA73 (Davies)
Judith Lundquist BA68 (Rupert)
John Lurcott BS56
Sylvia Lurie BA57
Joan Lusardi BS68
Emma Lutus BS58 EDM66 (Funk)
Evelyn Lutz BS55 BS63
Angela Lye
Thomas Lynch BS62 MBA69
Doris Lynch BS72 (Gillette)
Valerie Lynde BS57 BS58 PP92 (Biekarck)
John Lynn (Lynn)
Cynthia Lyons BA67 EDM75

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.