In Memoriam

We pay respect and mourn the loss of fellow Rochester alumni who are no longer with us.

Use the filter below to narrow the list by school, then by class year.

Keith Taylor
Kenneth Taylor
Leslie Taylor (Taylor)
Lynn Taylor
Nancy Taylor (Melvin)
Russell Taylor BA58
James Taylor BA59
Ann Taylor BA67
David Taylor BA69
Christopher Taylor BA70
Dorothy Taylor BS54
James Taylor BS54
Karen Taylor BS63 (Lyons)
Barbara Taylor DPL58 BS64
Gertrude Teck BA62 (Owens)
Victoria Temko BA72 (Benghiat)
Archibald Temperley BS57
Nancy Templeman BA55 MA62 (Bauman)
Charles Tepe BS54
Daniel Tepper
Eloise Terho BS58 MA61 (Crump)
Pietrina Termini BS68 (Giordano)
Jacob Terner BA56
Janet Terpening BA57 (McCaig)
Robin Terry BS68
Margaret Terwilliger BA58 (Waldman)
Reid Terwilliger BS72
John Testa
Judith Tetor BA59 (Spitz)
Charla Tewksbury BA65
Stuart Tewksbury BS64 PHD69
Richard Thalacker BS58
Elizabeth Thaler (Roth)
John Thatcher BS59
Gaylord Thayer BS66
Theodore Theodor BS68
Charlotte Thering BS55 (Morris)
Scott Therriault
Elaineanne Thirstrup-Moses
Ethel Thirtle BA65
James Thomann b54
Christopher Thomas
Kim Thomas
Leslie Thomas BA61 (Waite)
David Thomas BS58 MA60
Neil Thomas BS59
William Thomas BS71
Thomas Thompson b54
Clark Thompson BA57
Loyd Thompson BA57
Patricia Thompson BA58 (Curtis)
Donald Thompson BA62
James Thompson BA69
Harry Thompson BS54 MA65
William Thompson BS56
Marylou Thompson BS62 (Caldwell)
Lowell Thompson BS71 MS74
Mark Thorn BS69
Nancy Thorne BS67 (Wyrick)
Nancy Thornton BA63 (Reed)
Ellen Thurber BS62 MA68 (Sauer-Hill)
Betty Tichenor BS59 (Friday)
John Tickell BS71
Sharon Tievsky BA72 (Leibenhaut)
Edwin Tifft BA66
David Tillman
Richard Tinker (Tinker)
William Tinney BS72
Wesley Tinsmon BA57
William Tite BS54
Libby Titlebaum BA54 (Fleisher)
Donald Titus BS69
Sigmond Tobias
Inez Todd BA58 (Vervalin)
Richard Todd BS64
Marian Todd BS64 EDM68
Robert Tomasso BA72
David Tompkins BS64
Margaret Toohey
Susan Torkelson BA70 (Berger)
Joan Torpie DPL55 BS58 (Vecellio)
William Torrens BA67
Maria Torres-Palacios
Rosamond Tota BA62
Stephen Totten BA67
Kathryn Touhey (Paden)
Thomas Towne BA63
Philip Townes (Townes)
Schuyler Townson BA55
John Tracy BS56
Philip Trapani BA57
Carson Traynor (Simms)
Barbara Treadway BA54 (Sieder)
Susan Treadwell b61
G. Donald Treadwell BS60
David Treichel BA67
Carolyn Tremer BS70
Christian Tremo
James Trenchard BS61
Margot Trent b56 (Allen)

Please notify of any inaccuracies or additions.