2024 Six Strategies - Wilson Society | University of Rochester

many other possibilities for me,” he says. “It gave me the chance to live in varied geographic locations and to try out different areas of work— opportunities that I would not have had if I had worked in a private dental practice.” John served in the Army for thirty years and had many assignments, including Washington, D.C., where he eventually settled with his husband, Del. “I was never on a strict career path as a student,” John shares, “and that’s why the University of Rochester was such a good fit. The focus was on how to think through problems. That ended up being a great foundation for me in my career.” John’s involvement as a donor has become a meaningful part of his life and led to his joining the University’s Wilson Society. He and Del wanted to establish a scholarship for first-generation students. Speaking with Advancement staff helped them understand that setting up a gift annuity was the most suitable way to go about it—it could extend over a period of time and provide a guaranteed income. They have always felt strongly about the value of education, so this was a natural fit. John enjoys staying connected. “My ties to the University have been good for meeting new people from all different class years. Many of my peers are now retired, so people are starting to get in touch again. At this time of life, there is a lot of interest in reigniting those friendships,” he says. The possibility for making new connections through the University of Rochester also has a lot of appeal for John and Del. “It’s so vitalizing to get to know other alumni,” John says, “It gives us a positive outlook to meet so many others who have a similar approach to lifelong discovery.” “ I support scholarships for students so that they can pursue the same intellectual curiosity that I did.”