

“I love the University of Rochester because it gave me an opportunity to be myself. The faculty and people here along with the loving environment all around the campus allow myself and other students to proudly be ourselves and not try to be someone else to fit in. It really feels like a family and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.”

– Alhour Hasan ’25


“I love the University of Rochester because I have been able to become very connected to my community both on and off-campus by the support of the faculty members. As a senior this year, I am so sad to be leaving the life that I have created on this campus, but I know that this school has prepared me to take on whatever obstacles come my way.”

– Amanda Despart ’22


“I love the University of Rochester because of all the nice people who I meet every day. Everyone is very sweet and welcoming. There are also many options and resources for academic success and for any kind of support. It makes me feel welcome and at home.”

– Anna Durazo ’23


“I love the University of Rochester because it is helping me figure out who I want to be. I have created meaningful relationships with my peers and the faculty here. The University has also provided me with many opportunities to further myself academically and lead me to a successful and enjoyable future.”

– Bridget Riley ’25


“I love the University of Rochester because this place defines and emphasizes uniqueness. Not stopping at different backgrounds, but also interests and ambitions of all shapes and forms are welcome. At the University, we all get opportunities to be challenged and enlightened with any methods of desire. Thanks to that, I believe we can all learn to develop ourselves to the fullest and contribute to greater shared and individualistic goals.”

– Chi Tran ’25


“The University of Rochester has given me lifelong friends and a place that I can always call home. From the clubs and student organizations to the support of my professors and advisors, there is a strong sense of community. I treasure this campus and all the memories made here, they raised me to be the person I am today!”

– Gabrielle Stephen ’22


“I love the University of Rochester because it has become my home in the past two years. I have met my best friends who support me and only want to see me succeed in my goals. I have created so many fun and important memories that I hope to treasure for a long time and hope to keep creating more moments where I feel at peace and happy. In Rochester, I have found my community and have grown as a person, and hope to keep learning about myself.”

– Ivana Sánchez ’24


“I love the University of Rochester because of the abundance of opportunities that are available here. I've gotten to meet such an amazing group of people through my major and the women's ultimate frisbee team, and I'm so grateful to the University of Rochester donors for making my experience possible!”

– Ivy Chang ’25


“Thank you University of Rochester donors for supporting my education at a place I am lucky enough to now call my second home. Many of the wonderful opportunities here would not be possible without your support. I am very appreciative to you for helping us flourish as interdisciplinary students, artists, student leaders, and young adults who are growing and changing.”

– Natalie Fullerman ’24


“I love the University of Rochester because it provides me with the opportunity to learn what I truly love, without any restriction. I am able to use my education to my fullest potential.”

– Neha Manchandani ’25


“I love the University of Rochester because of the people I have the chance to meet and engage with across campus. Whether it’s faculty, staff, fellow students, or others, there’s a warmth about those on campus that not only makes me feel welcomed, but that makes me want to pass it forward. It’s a place that gives me a great platform for understanding who I want to grow into and how to support as many people as I can, even in small ways, on my way to getting there.”

– Priya Mandava ’24


“Thank you University of Rochester donors for your generous gifts that enable me to pursue an education that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Your gifts are helping me to follow my dreams of going to medical school and becoming a doctor!”

– Sarah Fischer ’22


“I love UR because I’ve been able to build a community of friends and a strong support system. Here on campus, I feel like I can be and achieve anything because of the amazing resources provided and the supportive campus community. I’ve been able to meet so many great people and make wonderful connections.”

– Tochukwu Iyke-Nzeocha ’24


“Thank you, Simon Business School donors, for funding scholarships that have made my experience affordable. Because of you, I am able to have one less burden to embark on this journey.”

– Rasheeda Augustine, MBA Candidate 2022


“I love the Simon Business School because the community is vibrant and engaging. Students from all over the world come to Simon to achieve their dreams and learn from one another.”

– Natasha Bogdanovic, MBA Candidate 2023


“I love the Simon Business School because Simon puts its students first. I came into the part time MBA program with no business background, and the courses I have taken so far have allowed me to learn at a comfortable pace and really utilize new skills in real world situations.”

– Farrell Cooke, MBA Candidate


“I love being part of the Simon community because it gives me a purpose and opportunity to go beyond just my academics. Simon helps me find other passions of mine as well without compromising on the existing academic career goals.”

– Shubhrika Dogra, MBA Candidate 2022


“I love the Simon Business School because the staff, faculty, and professors are all second to none. They genuinely care about each student's advancement in a holistic way, not just in one singular category. Additionally, I love that Simon has given me the opportunity to make friendships and relationships that I'll have for life.”

– Bridget Elison, MBA Candidate 2022


“I love being a part of the Simon community because everyone works collectively for the benefit of all Simon students. In addition, the diversity has allowed me the opportunity to learn about the different cultures around the world.”

– Juan Gonzalez, MBA Candidate 2023


“I love being a part of the Simon community because I've learned a great deal about myself and developed personally and professionally in the past year and a half. I've made some great friendships and connections as I step back into the world. I've developed a new perspective on life.”

– Mitchell Guber, MBA Candidate 2022


“I love the Simon Business School because it has provided me with opportunities to challenge myself in all aspects, professional and personal. It has been a transformational experience to explore new pathways and appreciate different perspectives.”

– Romy Loyola, MBA Candidate 2022


“I love the Simon Business School because the amount of resources and support provided to students at Simon Business School is unparalleled. The Simon community is genuinely close-knit. It's been a pleasure gaining experiential learning alongside the smartest individuals I have ever met.”

– Shubhangee Nath, MBA Candidate 2023


“Thank you, Simon Business School donors, for giving the chance to international students like me, to fight for our dreams and contribute to our community.”

– Humberto Resendiz, MBA Candidate 2023


“I love how nurturing the environment is, how friendly and supportive the staff and peers are, and how extensive and encompassing the educational experience is!”

– Sunshine Quan, Master Degree Candidate


“I have met so many talented individuals who have shaped my entire perspective! They truly inspire me every day to do my very best at what I love.”

– Kayla Sconiers, ’24E


“I love Eastman because I get to be surrounded by music everyday- whether it’s going to Kodak Hall to listen to an ensemble rehearse or studying theory at 9:30 in the morning. It's a wonderful place to learn and grow as a musician!”

– Emily Krasinski, ’25E


“I love Eastman because of all of my friends and peers who constantly support one another and support me. They challenge me to be my best while also encouraging me when I am feeling down and insecure about myself. Eastman is a family!”

– Luke Lee, ’24E


“I <3 Eastman because it was once my dream, it is now my everything, and it will be forever my pride!”

– Cai Li, ’23E


“The biggest case in point and the reason I love Eastman is because the community is incredibly loving and supportive. Even my first day here I felt incredibly welcomed and wanted. It makes a huge difference in the capability and drive to learn and it also allows us to deliver the best performances because we know everyone in the audience wants us to do well. I just want to say thank you to the people that helped make me feel loved.”

– Evan McMahon, ’25E


“I <3 Eastman because of the excellent professors, coaches, and of course, my committed and loving peers. It is such a privilege to study alongside beautiful people who love the arts and one another. I have learned so much more than "just music" here.”

– Raffi Wright, ’22E


“I <3 Eastman because of the incredible community of people I have found here! It is one of the most supportive I’ve ever been a part of and I know these are friendships that will last a lifetime!”

– Lauren Case, ’23E


“I love Eastman because for the first time in my life I feel like I belong somewhere.”

– Kat Jolliff, ’25E


“I've found my niche where I can thrive and become exactly who I want to be! It's an environment of encouragement and positivity that I couldn't get anywhere else.”

– Wayne Kreml, ’23E


“I love URSMD's systemic approach and teachings and really enjoy learning and growing with an outstanding, supportive group of people.”

– Maira V.G.


“Grateful for the support of professors and classmates. Love my friends, love the newly renovated library section, love the easily accessible nature.”

– D M


“I am incredibly grateful for the people that URSMD has brought into my life, and I look forward to having them with me on this journey through our medical careers!”

– Anna Frey


“URSMD is a humanist University where people come first whether that is patients, students, or colleagues. It is easy to call this place home.”

– Leif Knight


“The University of Rochester’s SMD is an environment that allows for conversation to be had and where questions are encouraged. I throughly enjoy the opportunity to learn from many individuals here at SMD whether it is in the classroom or the lab. SMD is a safe space for me to truly be myself and I’m surrounded by people who truly want to see and help me be the best version of myself.”

– Rebecca Fox


“I love our professors who teach us so much about medicine and science, but even more about life and treating others with compassion.”

– M A


“The SMD is constantly evolving and aspires to establish a great, collaborative and inclusive research environment for all. Really grateful for all the support and resources the SMD is offering their trainees, faculty and staff.”

– Chrissi H


“Ever since starting at URMC I have felt nothing but support from all my classmates, faculty members and mentors! I would recommend this program to anyone and I can't wait to see the growth in myself as a scientist over the next few years!”

– MaryClaire Haseley


“I was nervous starting a fully online program, but I have been AMAZED at how many genuine connections I have been able to make. My professors and classmates are engaged and I really have found a community here!”

– Julia Soto


“I love getting to witness the talents and perspectives my classmates bring to URSMD, their deep interest in learning the “how” and “why” beyond the “what,” and having the opportunity to grow amongst them - our professors and patients too - over the next four years.”

– Arman Niknafs


“I’m so happy to be part of EIOH! A wonderful place to learn and share experience. I learnt a lot since I came in here and wish to continue learning till the last day. Thanks a lot for our amazing faculty and supporting people especially admission office.”

– Mohammed Almirza


“I feel blessed to be accepted at Eastman and eventually be able to have my dreams come true.”

– Rebeca Keegan


“I am grateful for the amazing faculty and staff who support the residents and pt care. I was able to experience great cases thanks to their guidance and wisdom!”

– Connie Winegar


“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the community. I am also fortunate to be part of this wonderful Eastman family, all my faculty, colleagues and support system. It truly exemplifies the team work and leadership here at Eastman.”

– Mayank Kakkar


“I love EIOH because it brings together doctors and scientist from all over the world, with one mission in mind; improve the health and wellbeing of our patients!”

– Blake Ma


“I’m a new resident of URMC and I’m very happy to be here! Eastman Institute is complete! People are nice, the clinic is amazing and all the staff!”

– Stephanie Ripley


“It is a great pleasure to be here and met the people that I met here.Every day I’m grateful to have the opportunity to give back some from All that I have received from this Country and the people who live here!”

– Sunil Cherian


“Love the Diversity, Excellence in care and support.The ongoing education and opportunities in EIOH both clinically & in research is excellent.”

– S S


“Eastman family has been and will always be caring, loving, and giving to the community and it’s staff members. We will always be grateful and honored to be part of this family.”

– S R


“I love SON because the clinical instructors really care and challenge us to reach our full potential. They really want us to succeed to become the best nurses :)”

– Leah Baldinger


“Best classmates ever that are always helping each other succeed and cheering for our successes!”

– David Rush


“Incredible clinical instructors who truly care about you as a student, a future nurse and a person!”

– David R


“I love the support from the staff and instructors, they truly care and want us to succeed. UoR SON is a small community and I love being a part of it.”

– Carla Mendez


“I love the diversity of this program and holistic approach to admissions and education!”

– Gina Schultz


“Thank you to my scholarship donor, my mom & dad, my husband for the support and belief in me!! U of R was my #1 choice! I love it here!”

– Leah Baldinger


“I can appreciate and respect the diversity of this program and the commitment to DO BETTER!”

– KB Beasley


“The U of R school of nursing has given me the opportunity of a lifetime that I never thought I would be able to have. Thanks to the tuition grant program, I have unlimited opportunities. Only being a year into my CNL master's program, I have gained unmeasurable amounts of courage, resources, and tools to prepare me for anything that may come my way. Thank you, U of R School of Nursing."

– Leslie Warren


“I LOVE the SON because they are very professional and supportive when I have any questions. I love the way the faculty work as a "team". They make you feel very important and valuable to be part of the SON!”

– Trisha K


“The school of nursing has provided me with the opportunity to expand my education and career. The educators are excited to teach and are very knowledgeable about the subjects they are teaching. I feel beyond blessed to be a part of the SON team.”

– Courtney Sander


“I love Warner because the faculty and students both create such a warm welcoming atmosphere and because the curriculum challenges me to develop both as a person and as a future school counselor. I feel that Warner is truly helping me prepare for my field by providing me with the knowledge and tools needed to be successful in it.”

– Lilliana Proe ’24W


“I've really appreciated being able to learn around, and from, so many passionate peers and professors. I think it's really helped to enlighten me as an educator when it comes to both TESOL and digitally rich education. I'm really thankful to my donor for his generosity and wisdom.”

– Victoria Shek ’22W


“We love Warner for the unique opportunities for academic advancements. It challenges us to grow and expand our thinking. Working with and meeting open minded individuals allows us to become better educators, all thanks to Warner.”

– Sarah Gnage ’22W and Bryce Hartnett ’22W


“Warner has allowed me to meet like-minded educators and feel that I am making a difference not only in the life of my students but that we are forming meaningful connections. I am thankful for my donor that allows me to make this difference.”

– Shannon Mattice ’22W


“I <3 Warner because of the amazing donors who have selflessly made my education possible. Without their generosity, I wouldn't be able to pursue my education at a world-class university with the network and resources I need to support me. Thank you!”

– Olivia Whitmarsh ’22W


“I appreciate Warner because it has given me the opportunity to expand my professional development through additional certifications.”

– Elizabeth Bolton ’22W


“I have really loved and appreciated the connections that I have made at Warner. I have been able to meet educators that I can relate to and continue to contact through my placements. I have also met new friends which I love to be around and work with. I am confident that connections I have made here will stay with me in the future.”

– Kaylee Kisselburgh ’22W


“I love Warner because of the connections I have made with my community. I have worked with so many wonderful students during my two student teaching placements. These are experiences that I will never forget!”

– Collen Eckl ’22W


“One of the things I love so much about Warner is its openness to dialogue both within and outside the classrooms. The professors model and encourage ongoing self-reflection which is so important for any practitioner. Having been an educator for a number of years, Warner has made this transition to a new career in Mental Health Counseling an incredibly rich an energizing experience for me.”

– Kathleen Diamond ’24W


“I have really valued my time at Warner so far. Being surrounded by students who are so passionate about their field of study and the work they will do with their degree has made me even more excited and committed to the work I will do as a School Counselor. I am grateful for the support of the donors that made my participation in this program possible and the appreciation of my field of study that their support expresses!”

– Amanda Johnson ’23W


“I love Warner for its amazing professors who go above and beyond to support our learning and share their experiences. I love Warner for my peers who continue to inspire me to work harder to make a positive impact in our schools!”

– Liam Oberst ’23W


“Warner has given me confidence and assured me that I am in the field I am destined to be in. I have been so fortunate to meet likeminded people who are so supportive and have not hesitated to go above and beyond with helping me grow. Thank you Warner for being such an important part of my life.”

– Emily Matukaitis ’22W