About Our Donors

Donors who support the University of Rochester or one of its schools or units share a common characteristic—the desire to make a difference. Let some of our recent donors explain their commitments to the University in their own words:

Larry Bloch ’75
The University’s ability to thrive as a world-class institution—providing all of those wonderful benefits to our world—is contingent upon the support it receives from many contributors, including our alumni, parents, and friends. Giving to Rochester is a way of recognizing how much the University matters to so many. Learn more

Christopher Calo ’04, ’07 (MS)
I give to support the aspects of UR that made my time there so great: a beautiful, green, open campus, chances to participate in exciting research, access to the latest technology and computing resources, and community-wide events that reinforce UR’s open and accepting culture. Learn more about the True Blue Society, University of Rochester’s young alumni giving program. Learn more

Dr. Neil Hollyfield ’78D (PDC) and Nancy Hollyfield
When we heard about the Handelman Fund, established to honor Dr. Stanley Handelman with whom Neil studied in a residency at Eastman Dental Center in the late 1970s, we knew that we wanted to participate. Learn more

Kohl’s Cares for Kids
This partnership between Golisano Children’s Hospital at URMC and Kohl’s department stores is a wonderful example of the strong ties between the University and the community we serve. Learn more


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