Highland Hospital Physician Endows Scholarship at the Eastman School of Music

Highland Hospital Physician Endows Scholarship at the Eastman School of Music

A recent $1 million estate commitment from Alan E. Curle, MD, an anesthesiologist at Highland Hospital, will establish an unrestricted scholarship at the Eastman School of Music. A deep appreciation and passion for music prompted this gift.

Andrew London and Alan Curle

A commitment for education also served as a catalyst for Curle’s generosity. His husband, Andrew S. London, PhD, is a sociology professor and an associate dean at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. Both come from families where higher education was and continues to be held in high esteem.

“Andrew and I are thrilled to be able to make a contribution that will help the best and brightest students continue their musical studies with the outstanding faculty here at Eastman,” says Curle, who also serves as a professor of clinical anesthesiology and perioperative medicine within the School of Medicine’s Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine. “It is our way of giving back to those who so generously share their talents and bring us joy every time we attend a performance at the Eastman School of Music.”

“Alan’s gift demonstrates the power of music to transform lives,” says Jamal Rossi ’87E (DMA), the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music. “Music has played such a role in Alan’s life, so much so that he was inspired to give as a way to help future students and add to Eastman’s role as a key contributor to Rochester’s rich cultural fabric.”

“I love my job providing patient care, but music really energizes me in a different way,” adds Curle, who sings and has played the piano and the clarinet in the past. “Music gives me such great joy but also a path to centering and calmness that, given the challenges of my profession, I believe, helps me to deliver better care.”

For more information about integrating your personal and family financial goals with your charitable giving, please contact the University of Rochester’s Office of Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning. Learn more about Eastman School of Music here.

For more on Curle, visit “Alan Curle: A Life Marked by Music.

Kristine Thompson, June 2019