On Friday, October 4, we celebrated the inauguration of President Sarah C. Mangelsdorf. The special evening at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center provided an opportunity to honor the 11th president and to showcase the very best of the University through the remarkable work of our faculty and students.

Balloons fill the galleria, setting the stage for a fun and festive evening.
A guest learns how researchers at the Elaine Hubbard Center for Nursing Research on Aging use biotechnology-driven interventions to promote health in later life.
Dr. Ahmed Ghazi, assistant professor of Urology and director of the simulation innovation laboratory, demonstrates how surgeons rehearse their technique using 3-D printed organs.
President Sarah Mangelsdorf and her family join Mark Watters, director of the Beal Institute for Film Music and Contemporary Media, to listen to student compositions for film and video projects.

“The University of Rochester is a special place and has a prominent position in the broader American higher education landscape.”

President Sarah C. Mangelsdorf

Eastman student Austin Keck ’22 performs One Study One Summary.
Tanya Kosc, a scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, shows a guest some of the technologies used at the Center for Advanced High Power Laser Research.
The Eastman School of Music Percussion Ensemble performs to start the program.
President Sarah Mangelsdorf addresses guests, thanking them for the warm welcome she’s received from Rochester.

“Together, we can build on all the work that so many of you have done in the recent past and continue to pursue our fabulous motto, Meliora.”

President Sarah C. Mangelsdorf

President Sarah Mangelsdorf meets Monroe County Legislator Vincent Felder.
(L to R) Helen Frankenthaler, John Magnus Champlin, and Marshall Troidl dress as popular pieces of art found in the collections at the Memorial Art Gallery.
Guests mingle with faculty and students at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.
Sansifanyi, a new drum and dance ensemble featuring students and faculty, performs at the end of the night.

The Program

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For complete coverage of President Mangeldorf’s inauguration, including her full remarks, visit the inauguration website.