Wilson Society Member Spotlight

Wilson Society Member Spotlight

Dr. Mimi Tutihasi ’77M (MD)

Dr. Mimi Tutihasi ’77M (MD)

Dr. Mimi Tutihasi ’77M (MD) always knew she wanted to go into pediatrics. “I could never really envision myself doing anything else,” she says. She knew she was on the right path after meeting a special faculty member at the School of Medicine and Dentistry more than 45 years ago.

“My best friend in school Barbara Schuster ’77M (MD) suggested we get involved with the Rochester Adolescent Maternity Project in the pediatric medicine department,” Tutihasi says. There the two students found a lifelong supporter in program director Elizabeth McAnarney, MD, Distinguished University Professor and Chair Emerita of the Department of Pediatrics at URMC.

“She just took both of us under her wing,” Tutihasi says, “She kept tabs on us, and on our careers.” Tutihasi recalls spending time with Dr. McAnarney and a handful of students outside of school and says that social support made a difference: “She helped me feel confident as a medical student and in pursuing my career.”

After returning for her 40th Reunion, Tutihasi began to think about honoring this relationship and her appreciation for her medical education by making provisions in her estate plan. She began working with University of Rochester staff, who in turn spoke to Dr. McAnarney about priorities and needs. Ultimately, Tutihasi documented a bequest, directing a percentage of her estate to the Department of Pediatrics at URMC. The document was carefully worded to ensure the gift would have the impact she intended.

“I really wanted my gift to impact the academic side of pediatrics. I hope it supports someone else interested in primary care down the road,” shares Tutihasi.

As it turns out, her generous gift will support generations of future primary care physicians, since the agreement creates a permanent endowed fund to be used at the discretion of the department.

Dr. McAnarney conveys her pride in her former student’s accomplishments and also expresses her thanks on behalf of the School of Medicine and Dentistry. “Dr. Tutihasi provides outstanding primary pediatric care,” she says. “Her life-time dedication to her practice and the contributions she is making to children’s health are remarkable.

“Education has always been Dr. Tutihasi’s passion. She is an avid educator of children and their families, and now she is extending that passion to the education of future primary care providers trained at her alma mater, URSMD. We are deeply grateful for her foresight and leadership.”