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People don't buy what you do; people buy why you do it.

Simon Sinek

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere.

Lee Iacocca

You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it's not about taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally.

Leila Janah

By Entrepreneurship

Can Millennials Actually Change the World? A TEDx Talk

Daphne Pariser ’20 founded Humans for Education, an organization that partners with schools in developing nations to create sustainable, culturally-sensitive businesses so they can generate their own income to provide for students’ needs and help build strong communities. Daphne recently gave a TEDx talk in Rochester, where she discussed the opportunities millennials have to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Learn more and watch Daphne’s presentation.

Entrepreneurship is not a part-time job, and it's not even a full-time job. It's a lifestyle.

Carrie Layne

Innovation and creativity are the juiciest parts of running a business.

Barbara Corcoran

By Entrepreneurship

5 Entrepreneurial Finance Tips

On Tuesday, February 26, the Ain Center hosted our second Mark Ain Business Model Workshop of 2019. Building on the fall Foundry Forum workshops, this series is designed to help entrepreneurs prepare for upcoming business plan competitions. This workshop – Money Matters: Funding Your Venture – covered a number of techniques and tricks for locating and securing funding for your project or enterprise. We’ve summarized five key points. 

Read all five tips from the entrepreneurial finance workshop.