Creative Collision Challenge


The Creative Collision Challenge brings together students from a variety of backgrounds to brainstorm solutions to social and cultural issues in a challenge. Each year, participants tackle a different issue, guided...

AI Workshop: Tools – The New and the Next

Computer Studies Building 209

AI Workshop:  Tools - The New and the Next Event was held on: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 // 6:00PM – 7:30PM // Computer Studies Building 209 (CSB 209). This hybrid...

Competitive Landscape Analysis Workshop (Startup Sprint Series)

Genesee 325

Startup Sprint Workshop Series: Competitive Landscape Analysis Workshop Thursday, February 15, 2024// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM // Location:  Genesee 325 Explore the fundamental concepts behind strategic analysis in our...

AI Workshop: Ethics, Privacy and Security

Wegmans Hall, Room 1400

AI Workshop:  Ethics, Privacy and Security Event was held on:  Wednesday, February 21, 2024// 6:00PM – 7:30PM // Wegmans Hall 1400 or via zoom. Topic:  A look at emerging ethics...

Business Plan Writing Workshop (Startup Sprint Series)

Genesee 325

Startup Sprint Workshop Series:  Business Plan Writing Thursday, February 29, 2024// 6:00PM – 7:30PM // Location:  Genesee 325 Explore the fundamentals of business planning in our Business Plan Writing Workshop....