

An artist residency is a place where art construction intersects with the functional necessities of life. Residuals is an installation of objects and materials that operates at the intersection of (imagined) domesticity and (creative) productivity.It was installed at ArtPark in Lewiston, NY as part of PLAY/GROUND 2020. The installation is the result of a father / daughter collaboration (Allen Topolski / Aster Topolski) – a convergence with the notable artists who participated in the now defunct ArtPark Residency of the 1970s. QR codes in the doorways to each of the slabs, connect to a site providing additional information of each artist.

Each of the eleven concrete slabs – originally the floors of the cottages where artists lived – feature a constructed or found object and a fabricated architectural remnant. The wallpaper designs on the wall segments and the accompanying objects are creative conflations of the present and the past and speak to a legacy that is mirrored in the relationship of the artists.

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