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Student Spotlight: Aisha Mohamed

13606989_1055499611152620_6979013825775458322_nGet to know one of RCCL’s new student office assistants, Aisha Mohamed.

Class Year: 2019

Position at RCCL: Office Assistant

Major(s) and Minor(s):  Health Policy with a Minor in Political Science

Other than working here, how else are you involved with RCCL?

Besides just becoming an office assistant, I have recently become a LEAP tutor.

What does community engagement mean to you?

Community engagement entails being a branch of the overall community. That means you are involved in community matters such as social affairs, political issues etc. and ensuring that your involvement positively affects the community. Each person is a vital component and coming to to be apart of it can really make a difference.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen who want to get involved?

Fight through the awkwardness and join the things you are interested in!! You will meet people from so many walks of life and it makes the campus feel more like home.

What’s your favorite fall activity in Rochester?

The public market is amazing! Also hanging out on the quad is fun when the colors of the leaves are changing.

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