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Alternative Spring Break

Now is the time to start planning for your (Alternative) Spring Break!  Rochester students have a long history of undertaking service trips during this time of year. Alternative Spring Break (ASB) destinations have ranged from Rochester to various asbhangingdomestic sites to international projects. Here at Rochester, ASB trips are student led, and in addition to contributing to and learning about local communities, students gain invaluable and transformative leadership experiences.

The Rochester Center for Community Leadership provides advisement and coordination to ensure that service trips are well planned, safe and successful.  It’s important to note that any UR student organization, whether classified as a service organization or not, is welcome to propose and lead an ASB trip.  ASB trips, if approved, may be partially subsidized by the Community Service Network.

The ASB application form can be found hereApplications are due December 2, 2016.

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