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Students in Rush Rhees tower

Welcoming students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds

Students on the quad

Improving inclusiveness and equity across campus

The Deans pose in front of large letters spelling Meliora

Developing and promoting a culture and climate of respect

By the Numbers

We’ve compiled institutional data and reports that track the Schools' equity, diversity, and campus climate improvement efforts.

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Events Calendar

Our Schools organize and host diversity- and equity-related events, including celebration months, conferences, training sessions, guest speakers, exhibitions, and more.

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Our Philosophy

Beth Olivares, Dean for Diversity, is deeply committed to making diversity, equity, and inclusion central to the teaching, learning, research, and hiring practices.

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The event poster.

Award-Winning Anchor Discusses Racism and Bias

Stop The Hate: The Rise in Violence Against Asian Americans

In a moderated discussion with Emmy-Award winning co-anchor Juju Chang, Beth Olivares, dean for diversity, discusses the sharp rise in anti-AAPI violence and how to recognize our own unconscious biases. The live Zoom event was held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.

View the Video
Cover of the annual report.

Annual Reports

Fall 2020 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Annual Report

Prepared by Beth Olivares, Dean for Diversity

View DEI Report

452Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty in 2020

Including 144 women (32%) and 30 underrepresented minorities (7%).

Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion

The University of Rochester Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion is dedicated to cultivating an equitable, respectful, and welcoming culture at the University of Rochester.

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Vision and Values

We are a community in which all who work, teach, create, and provide care are welcome and respected, and where all can pursue and achieve their highest objectives for themselves, their communities, and the world.

Read the Statement

Students congratulating each otherClimateand Equity
A woman speaking at a podiumRecruitmentand Retention
Group photo with George Eastman statueTrainingand Hiring

Need help or more information about diversity in the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences or School of Arts and Sciences? Contact us.