Assign Seats for a Common Exam/Multiple Locations

To help prevent students from arranging to copy from a friend during an in-class assessment, Arts, Sciences & Engineering provides you with the tools you need to assign students to specific seats (either for the entire class or only for in-class assessments). To assign seats, you need these resources:

1 - classroom maps - so you can see the layout of the rooms - click here

2 - classroom seating excel sheets that are matched to the classroom maps (see links below). You can use these sheets to randomly assign seats to students.

3 - Instructions for using the excel sheets to assign seats to your students - click here

Hutchison 141 (Hubbell)

Lower Strong


Dewey 1-101

Hutchison 140 (Lander)

Goergen Hall 101 (Sloan)

Bausch & Lomb 109

Douglass Ballroom

Lattimore 201

Morey 321

Meliora 203

Dewey 2-162

Bausch & Lomb 106

Meliora 221

Gavett 202

Wegmans 1400