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Query options

The title field is where to add the title or the heading for the query component.

The main text for the query component can be placed into the content field. This will display underneath the title and before the actual queries.

Call to action
The call to action is useful for pointing to a blog page or a page where the user can see all the posts that have been made or acquire more information about the topics discussed.

Background color
The color of the background can be selected in this section.

Type of query
The “type of query” option offers the choice whether to manually select the posts displayed or have them automatically chosen.

The next few options allow the choice for what kind of posts will be displayed automatically in the component. Posts can be grouped using categories and tags. Once posts are labeled they can be selected here for display. If any additional posts are created and tagged with the same tag, they will be automatically populate the query component alongside the original posts.

Choose the post to display style
This is the option to determine how the posts should be displayed.

  • Cards: breaks the posts up into cards that look very similar to the card component.
  • Scroll: sets up the posts in a line that can be scrolled through to see more posts.
  • List: displays the posts one after the other in a vertical list which provides a simple but clear option for displaying the posts.

Number of columns
If the cards display option is selected the “number of columns” will appear. This determines how many columns to use when dividing up the posts.

The limit is a gauge for how many posts will be displayed in the query component. Increase the limit number to display more posts.

Post build
The post-build section determines what information from the post will be displayed for the query component. Choosing information is as simple as checking each box with the desired info to be displayed.

Heading type
This option allows a heading type to be assigned to the post’s titles. This option is not attached to the visuals of the title but instead helps establish proper page hierarchy.

Content length
The content length determines how much text from the post will be displayed as a preview.

  • Full content: displays the entire content of the post in the text field.
  • Yoast excerpt: takes the Yoast excerpt data from the Yoast area and displays it in the query.
  • Short excerpt: takes a short excerpt from the post to display.

Featured post
To display a post in a prominent position, the featured post options will allow certain posts to be called out. Simply select between “yes” and “no” for this and choose a featured post to be drawn out from the rest.

Type of featured post
This option allows the featured post to be either be chosen specifically with “featured post selection” or automatically with “most recent post.” Choosing “featured post selection” brings up a box that shows all the posts on the site. From here, the featured post can be chosen for display.

Query example

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