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Social Media

Social media options

Share functionality
The main option for the search component lies within the “share functionality” section. This option determines what will happen when users click on the social buttons.

  • Social media share: This option encourages users to share the current page on social media based on which social media platform they choose.
  • Social media follow: This option takes the users to the designated social media page. It’s useful for encouraging users to follow on a specific social media. On the back end, if this option is chosen, several social media fields will appear to add the desired social media pages to. Only social media links that are added will be shown on the front end.

Block title
A title for the social media area can be added to this field. This title should usually be used to encourage engagement with the social media buttons.

Block background color
The color behind the social media buttons can be chosen with the block background color options.

Social share icon color
The color of the various social media icons can be determined with the social share icon color.

Social icon hover color
The color that the icons will turn when hovered can be chosen under social icon hover color. It’s important to remember to make sure that there is enough contrast between the color of the background, the icon color and hover color. The buttons should always be easy to see!

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