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alumni, alumna, alumnus

Alumni and alumnus are the preferred plural and singular terms of alumni of any gender. The feminine terms—alumna (singular) and alumnae (plural)—may be used in the context of the publication or the preferences of the subjects. Do not shorten to “alum” or “alums” except in informal communications.

When referring to an alumnus in text, include the last two digits of his or her class year after the name and preceded by an apostrophe.

  • Jennifer Jones Johnson ’55 attended the event with her daughters.

When discussing an alumnus with multiple degrees from the University, list the degrees in the order in which they were received, with abbreviations following the graduate degrees.

  • John Smith ’90, ’98S (MBA).

When referring to a couple who are both alumni, use the following construction:

  • Jim ’70 and Lisa Smith Johnson ’70

For details about class year designations, see the entry for class years.

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