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Event feed

Event feed options

Block title
The title field is where to add the title or the heading for the entire event feed. Keep in mind more specific info will be addd later.

Block content
The “content” field is where to add description text for the event feed. This should generally be to add context or more information about the events.

Block background color
The background color selector is where to choose the background color of the event feed.

Block background image
There is also an option to add an image to the background of the event feed. For the best results, photo should have a ratio of 16:9 with a centered focal point.

Content width
“Content width” controls how wide the event feed is going to be.

  • Narrow: This is the smallest option for size and will make the space of the event feed very slim.
  • Default: This size is selected atomically and is set to fill a medium amount of space on the page.
  • Large: If the events begin to feel too cramped or the events should be bigger, the “large” option will give more room to the event feed.

Event feed widget code

Acquiring the “event feed widget code” is the bulk of getting the event feed set up.

Finding the widget builder
The first step of acquiring the event feed code is visiting the University’s events page. On the events page, next to the filter button, select the ellipses and then click “widget builder.” This will  bring up a form that that can be filled out to curate the desired list of events to be featured in the event feed component.

Selecting events
To start the process of selecting the desired events, fill in where the events are held, who is holding the events, who the events are for etc. Keywords and tags can be input to narrow down the parameters for more specific results. Results can be refined under the “Content Must Match” area to help specify which events should or shouldn’t be included.

Display Options
Further down the page are the display options where the look of the event feed can be decided. Here, under “style” make sure to choose “card” since this will show up best in our event feed.

When the form is all filled out, click “Preview Widget” to make sure everything looks correct. If any adjustments need to be made, simply head back to the form, make the changes, and then preview the events again.

Acquiring the code
When the results are looking correct, we’ll press “Generate Embed Code”. This will generate a bunch of code to make up the event feed. Don’t have to worry at all about what the code itself says! Simply copy the given code and return to the WordPress page. Paste the embed code in “Event feed widget code” and the events should be added to the event feed.

Example event feed

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