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Jeremy Jamieson University of Rochester

Jeremy Jamieson

Associate Professor

  • Rochester NY UNITED STATES
  • Psychology

Jeremy Jamieson is a national expert on stress, our responses to it, and how it's not always a bad thing.

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Areas of Expertise

Social Anxiety
Positive Stress
Stress Regulation
Stress Responses
Stress and Teens





Jeremy Jamieson serves as the principal investigator of the Social Stress Lab at the University of Rochester. His research focuses on social stress and decision making, emotion regulation, and risk and uncertainty.

The primary focus of Jamieson's work seeks to understand how stress impacts decisions, emotions, and performance. He is particularly interested in using physiological indices of bodily and mental states to delve into the mechanisms underlying the effects of stress on downstream outcomes. Jamieson is also interested in studying emotion regulation. His research in this area demonstrates that altering appraisals of stress and anxiety can go a long ways towards improving physiological and cognitive outcomes.


Colby College




Northeastern University


Social Psychology



  • American Educational Research Association
  • Association for Psychological Science
  • Carnegie Foundation, Alpha-Lab Research Network
  • Society for Affective Science
  • Society for Experimental Social Psychology
  • Society for Personality & Social Psychology

Selected Media Appearances

Psychologists Explain Phone Anxiety

New York Magazine  print


Jeremy Jamieson, a psychology professor at the University of Rochester who studies social stress, says whenever we put ourselves in a position to be evaluated, a great deal of stress is produced.

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The Power of Brief Mental Health Therapies: Research shows that targeted, time-limited programs offer significant benefits for people struggling with anxiety and other problems.

Wall Street Journal  print


Research spearheaded by Jeremy Jamieson found that a brief training session on "stress reappraisal" can help students cope with anxiety.

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What is Good Stress?

WebMD  online


There’s a secret weapon for dealing with something unexpected. And you might be used to thinking of it as something that would undermine you, not help you shine.

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Stress: The Good, The Bad And The Useful

WOSU PBS  radio


While chronic stress is known to have multiple adverse health outcomes, moderate amounts of short-term stress can be beneficial. Learn how scientists measure stress and trace its pathways through the body, and how to optimize stress responses for better performance and decision making

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Can stress be a good thing?

WXXI News (Evan Dawson Connections)  radio


Especially over this past year, many of us have experienced remarkable levels of stress. It's bad for you, right? Not necessarily. A local professor says in some ways, stress can be a good thing, pushing us forward to do things we wouldn't otherwise be able to accomplish. Jeremy Jamieson, associate professor of psychology at the University of Rochester

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Tools to Combat Social Anxiety Humans are incredibly social creatures, but we’re out of practice.

Thrive Global  online


We’re all a little out of practice when it comes to dealing with other humans. That’ll happen when you spend a year trying to avoid close contact with anyone you don’t live with. Now that things are (thankfully) beginning to reopen, the walls we’ve put up around us will come crashing down.

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Psychology student reveals simple trick to stop anxiety

The Independent UK  print


A psychology student has explained how people suffering from anxiety over an upcoming event can trick their minds into reframing the nervous feeling as excitement.

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Getting fewer ‘likes’ on social media can make teens anxious and depressed

University of Rochester  online


Simply not getting enough validation on social media can increase depression and anxiety, especially in the most vulnerable populations for whom these platforms may contribute to a cycle of rejection. That’s according to a new paper published in Child Development that explores the psychological effects of receiving insufficient positive feedback online.

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Some Stress Can Be Your Friend

University of Rochester  online


Fear of public speaking tops death and spiders as the nation’s number one phobia. But new research shows that learning to rethink the way we view our shaky hands, pounding heart, and sweaty palms can help people perform better both mentally and physically. Before a stressful speaking task, simply encouraging people to reframe the meaning of these signs of stress as natural and helpful was a surprisingly effective way of handling stage fright, found the study to be published online April 8 in Clinical Psychological Science.

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How to Help Teenagers Embrace Stress

New York Times  print


Now that the school year is in full swing, many young people are feeling the weight of academic demands. But how much strain students experience may depend less on their workloads and more on how they think about the very nature of stress.

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Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?

New York Times  print


Never before has the pressure to perform on high-stakes tests been so intense or meant so much for a child’s academic future. As more school districts strive for accountability, standardized tests have proliferated. The pressure to do well on achievement tests for college is filtering its way down to lower grades, so that even third graders feel as if they are on trial. Students get the message that class work isn’t what counts, and that the standardized exam is the truer measure

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Dr. Jeremy Jamieson, University of Rochester – Performance and Beneficial Stress

Academic Minute WAMC  radio


In today’s Academic Minute, Dr. Jeremy Jamieson of the University of Rochester explains why stress can be useful for performers.

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Public Speaking and Stress Responses Improving stress responses by reinterpreting the meaning of stress

Psychology Today  online


An interesting pilot study conducted by my lab found that people preferred to administer small but uncomfortable shocks to themselves than give a 5-min speech about their personal attributes. It might seem shocking (no pun intended) that people would choose physical discomfort over public speaking, but fear of public speaking tops death and spiders as America’s number one phobia.

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