Dear members of the School of Arts & Sciences community,

I hope you remained safe and healthy over the holidays and were able to find some joy and spend time recharging with immediate family and friends—even if the gatherings were virtual.

For many of us in the University community, and in the broader society, we lean into the idea that 2020 was not at all what we expected. It was challenging, somewhat out of (our) control, and, for many, a painful year. The pandemic hasn’t just altered life, it has created stressors that make most things harder and physically and mentally exhausting. I’m sure you could testify to that by pointing to several moments or trends from the fall semester, which is why I want to take this opportunity to commend and to thank all of you.

We wouldn’t have been able to remain on campus through the fall, if it weren’t for the seriousness with which you faced our circumstances. Your commitment to health and safety guidelines, the social sacrifices you made, and frankly, the respect you had for classmates and colleagues kept our COVID-19 numbers to a minimum. It makes me proud to be your dean. Thank you for helping us preserve some normalcy and living respectfully during an incredibly abnormal time.

Even though our world continues to be underscored by COVID-19 and unrest, the arrival of multiple vaccines serves as a light at the end of the tunnel.

Throughout our COVID experience, there has been a greater need for transparency, timely communication, and ways to stay connected as a community. Going forward, I would like to offer that to the School of Arts and Sciences community with this newsletter, In Focus.

In Focus will be produced on a monthly basis. Every other month, beginning this month, you will find a message from me. On alternate months, we’ll share news, stories, and perspectives to introduce you to or take you deeper into various parts of our school. This is an experiment—our hypothesis is that this type of communication will help us all feel more connected, engaged and will allow us to understand our activities as a community.

Enjoy the rest of your break. Please continue to be safe. I’m looking forward to seeing you in February, remotely or on campus. And just so you know, if I see you in person, although it will be difficult to tell, our encounter will bring a smile to my face—masked and all.

Best wishes,

Gloria Culver
School of Arts & Sciences

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