Dear students, faculty members, and friends,

The arrival of spring is always a welcome change at Rochester because it signals an awakening on the River Campus, but this spring feels especially invigorating. While the pandemic isn’t over—a truth we can’t afford to underestimate—it does feel like we’ve turned another corner.

I wanted to call attention to this new phase of pandemic recovery because of how long COVID has kept us in stasis. For too long, in many aspects of our life and work, maintaining the status quo has been largely considered optimal performance. That’s no longer the case. We’re now in a position to start thinking more seriously and intentionally about moving forward, a process that among University leaders is known as “strategic planning.” As someone who has engaged in strategic planning in the past, I can tell you that “energizing” isn’t a word often used to describe the exercise. But for me, and I think others, that’s how it’s felt.

I will share more information about the SAS plan as it develops, but know that it’s coming soon. I hope you will take the time to look it over, particularly the mission and vision statements.

Additionally, the University is about to launch its reaccreditation process with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). Without accreditation, we can’t teach. So, this is an important initiative for us.

As an MSCHE accredited institution, we secure our designation as a qualified institute of higher learning and access to federal funding. The first part of the MSCHE process includes a two-year institutional self-review to explore key components of the University, including student learning experiences, institutional mission and goals, and organizational governance.

You can learn more about this process, including how to support our accreditation efforts, by attending an online information session this coming Tuesday, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.

With the weather getting friendlier, I hope to be walking around campus more often. Don’t hesitate to stop me and say hello!

Gloria Culver
School of Arts & Sciences

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