Dear students, faculty members, and friends,

I would say welcome back, but as President Mangelsdorf noted in her August 31 message, some of you never left. Still, it’s wonderful to hear that familiar hum of academic life on the River Campus. It’s part of what makes this my favorite time of year.

I know that proclaiming my love for the beginning of the fall semester isn’t exactly a “hot take” on campus life. But would it raise your eyebrows to know that I love convocation slightly more than commencement?

I love beginnings. Yes—Commencement marks the beginning of a new path; however, it’s a path that takes many students away from the River Campus. Convocation, on the other hand, marks the start of a student’s career at Rochester.

Convocation encapsulates all the potential that Meliora aspires to release into the world. It’s where ever better begins. Even if you’re not a first-year student—or a student at all—this semester starts a new chapter in your Rochester story. This might be the semester you declare your major, teach a new class, or make a breakthrough in your research.

I realize some may not share my feelings about this time of year, and others might even gladly hit the fast forward button if they are already feeling the stress of their workloads and responsibilities. Regardless of which time of year you prefer, I encourage you to find ways to enjoy the moment you’re in each semester because eventually your time at Rochester will come to an end. For some of you seniors, that time is just around the corner. For some of you faculty members, that may be many years from now. My point is you can’t get this time back.

If this isn’t resonating with you, perhaps you can appreciate the wisdom of this quote from Andy Bernard in The Office: “I wish there was a way to know you were in the ‘good old days’ before you’ve actually left them.”

I hope your semesters are off to a great start, and I hope you’re able to find the spirit of Meliora in all of your endeavors.

Gloria Culver
School of Arts & Sciences

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