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January 20, 2021

Good morning, Rochester

In 1988, then-Senator Joe Biden visited the River Campus shortly after dropping out of that year’s presidential race. Today he’ll be inaugurated as the country’s 46th president—he’s among 8 future or current US presidents to have visited the University since its founding in 1850.

In today’s issue:

  • Gift establishes scholarship challenge for Together for Rochester campaign
  • This month’s issue of HR Intercom
  • An upcoming webinar offers strategies for coping with stress

No new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Tuesday’s notice in @Rochester, there are no new cases of COVID-19 to report. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

It’s also extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

If you think you’re experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, it’s important to report them through Dr. Chat Bot immediately. Even if you think your symptoms might be something else—like a cold, seasonal congestion, or allergies—it’s still important to tell University health professionals and contact tracers what you’re experiencing.

Naveen and Courtney Nataraj commit $1 million to Together for Rochester scholarship challenge

University Trustee Naveen Nataraj ’97 and his wife, Courtney, have established a $1 million scholarship challenge to kickstart Together for Rochester, a one-year engagement and fundraising campaign. The Nataraj Challenge encourages potential donors to create new, endowed scholarships in support of the University’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. For each new endowed scholarship that qualifies, the Nataraj Challenge will add additional funding to the contributed value of that specific endowed scholarship.

Horizons at Warner, Center for Urban Education Success join forces to support K-12 urban schools

The Center for Urban Education Success, created in 2016 at the Warner School of Education to support the success of K–12 urban schools in Rochester and beyond, has expanded and now includes Horizons at Warner, a community program that engages Rochester city students in learning experiences on River Campus during the summer and ongoing engagement throughout the school year.



CEOs spurn Trump and his allies: How big a blow?

The Christian Science Monitor, January 15

“This is primarily a symbolic move as a way to send a signal to the Republican Party that the violence that we saw…is simply not acceptable in a democracy,” says David Primo, the Ani and Mark Gabrellian Professor and a professor of political science and business administration.


HR Intercom highlights health insurance cards and more

This month’s issue of HR Intercom, a newsletter with information about Human Resources programs and materials, includes information on health insurance cards, emergency childcare, and more.

Address your stress

How is your health affected by stress and how can you handle it to live your best life? Explore five ways to cope with stress in a virtual seminar on Monday, January 25, at noon EST with Well-U’s lifestyle management team.

Learn about earning your bachelor’s degree from the School of Nursing

Reimagine your nursing career with a bachelor’s degree from the School of Nursing. Join admissions representatives for a virtual open house on Thursday, January 21, at noon EST. Register to attend live and learn more about applying to the RN-BS program, including eligibility, application deadlines and requirements, and grants and scholarships available for tuition coverage. Contact the School of Nursing admissions office with questions.


Improving clinical research by empowering participants

Participant feedback can help organizations improve their clinical trials, but many organizations lack the infrastructure to collect this feedback. The University’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute is part of a collaborative project, funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, to build an infrastructure to routinely collect and analyze research participant feedback.

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