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February 22, 2021

Good morning, Rochester

Tomorrow, Pediatric Behavioral Health and Wellness’s Racial Justice Initiative Team hosts a panel on how youth and adults can be effective allies to teens of color. You can learn more about the event, and register to attend, in the For the Community section below.

Also in today’s issue:

  • Mary Young, a professor emeritus of history who died earlier this month, is being remembered by colleagues and former students
  • University IT reminds of the importance of keeping personal electronic devices updated
  • Graduate students and postdocs are invited to a session on navigating virtual job searches

Five new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Friday’s notice in @Rochester, there are five new cases of COVID-19 to report: three River Campus students and one employee; and one Medical Campus student. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

It’s extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

If you think you’re experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, it’s important to report them through Dr. Chat Bot immediately. Even if you think your symptoms might be something else—like a cold, seasonal congestion, or allergies—it’s still important to tell University health professionals and contact tracers what you’re experiencing.

Security Tip: When was the last time you updated your device?

General software updates provide several benefits to your devices and keep them running smoothly. Hackers love a good security flaw, and updates can patch software vulnerabilities. Opting out leaves you exposed to malware when malicious actors take advantage of weaker, out-of-date systems. Why should this be a concern to you? Chances are you have a lot of personal data on your devices (passwords, bank information) which becomes an open book to hackers. These viruses can be a security pandemic and infect friends, family, and colleagues. Many University-managed systems and devices are updated remotely, however, maintaining personal devices is up to you. Look for University IT announcements when critical updates require your immediate attention. Visit for information and suggestions on updating your devices

Mary Young remembered as a trailblazer in the field of Native American history

Mary Young, a professor emeritus of history who died earlier this month, is remembered for the profound impact she had on students and colleagues during her tenure at Rochester.



Lecture on navigating a virtual job search for graduate students and postdocs

During this hands-on session, you will deploy powerful library databases to create targeted lists of potential new employers with jobs relevant to your needs and discover the best sources for learning details about potential new employers. You’ll also obtain creative job search strategies such as how to effectively utilize social media, virtual networking, and more. The lecture takes place Friday, March 5, from noon to 1 p.m. EST.


Quarantine workout ideas

Well-U’s Fitness 101: Get Started program can help you incorporate timely at-home activity even if you lack space, equipment, or a regular routine. Join the group brainstorm sessions virtually and learn something new to add to your training.

America Saves Week

The goal of America Saves Week, taking place February 22–26, is to encourage people to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. Use this opportunity to either start or increase your savings to the University’s Retirement Program. To enroll or manage your 403(b) retirement account, go to the TIAA website or speak to a representative at (800) 410-6497.

Call for faculty representatives on steering group

The University invites faculty members to act as representatives on the Global Challenge Groups of the World Universities Network. The network, of which Rochester has been a member since 2012, enables the University to maintain and enhance its position as a world-leading university, supporting innovative, multidisciplinary research that addresses four global challenges. Visit the Global Engagement website to find out more information, nominate a colleague, or complete an online application by March 1. Questions may be directed to Ruth Levenkron.


Breaking the Bubble talk on building strong communities

Join Lentory Johnson, a local activist and cofounder of the lobbyist group Light the Way, for a discussion on the change she would like to see in the 19th Ward and other local neighborhoods, and her plans to make it happen. Register to attend the event, taking place Monday, February 22, at 7:30 p.m. EST.

Rochester Creators guest lectures

Rochester Creators (CAS 162) welcomes two guest speakers this week to talk about their creative identities and endeavors. Semih Tareen, senior director of gene therapy and head of viral vectors at Sana Biotechnology, will present on Tuesday, February 23, at 4:50 p.m. Poet and mixed-media artist Kira Preneta will be the lecturer on Thursday, February 25, at 4:50 p.m. EST. These events are open to any University undergraduate or graduate students, faculty, or staff member. To register to attend, email

Learn how to be an effective ally to teens of color

Join Pediatric Behavioral Health and Wellness’s Racial Justice Initiative Team to share thoughts on how youth and adults can be effective allies to teens of color. Panelists will share their ideas and then answer questions and take comments from participants. The webinar takes place Tuesday, February 23, at 5:30 p.m. EST. Learn more and register to attend.

Teen employment program helps local youth succeed

Learn more about how the Teen Health and Success employment program helps create job opportunities for local, diverse youth and support them in making their career dreams become a reality. ​This taped presentation will be available on the Center for Community Health & Prevention’s Facebook page on Thursday, February 25, at 11 a.m. EST.

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