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March 8, 2021

At-risk hospital patients receiving COVID-19 vaccine at discharge

While COVID-19 vaccinations continue at sites across the area, UR Medicine has begun vaccinating at-risk patients who are in the process of being discharged from Strong Memorial Hospital. The effort is part of a New York State initiative announced last week related to the distribution of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson/Janssen coronavirus vaccine.

In today’s issue:

  • An electrical system upgrade will include planned power outages next month
  • University IT advises students to avoid the “Marriage Pact” matchmaking survey
  • Recent honors and awards for members of the University community

Twenty-three new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Friday’s notice in @Rochester, there are 23 new cases of COVID-19 to report: all River Campus students. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

A special note about UHS’s surveillance testing program:  all students, including off-campus students, who regularly access campus are included on UHS’s list of individuals to contact for surveillance testing. The surveillance testing program is based on testing 2,000 students per week using the quick, rapid test, and full participation is required from students in order for UHS to complete the required number of rapid tests needed to fulfill their weekly targets. This program has been a very effective way to monitor and contain the spread of the virus throughout this academic year.

Electrical system upgrade will include planned power outages

The University’s electrical system will cut over to a new RG&E substation this spring, an upgrade that will increase capacity to serve growing electric demand at the University—and bring increased reliability and flexibility to the power system. Brief power outages, expected to be less than 30 minutes, are planned for all buildings on the River Campus and the Medical Center (except for buildings where equipment is served by an emergency generator), during the switch, which will take place April 16–18. Details about the timing for the power outages are available here: building outage mapbuilding outage list.

If you have questions on the River Campus part of the project, please contact Barry McHugh at (585) 766-3523 or or Michael Whitmore at (585) 260-0238 or

For the Medical Center, contact Mike Rink at (585) 613-6241 or or Kurt Blake at (585) 314-1729 or

Recent awards and honors

The following members of the University community are being recognized for contributions to their respective fields:

Security Tip: Students, don’t get engaged to the 'Marriage Pact' survey

Several colleges have begun seeing a matchmaking survey circulating their campuses—and recent encounters have been reported from Rochester students. Also known as the “Marriage Pact,” the questionnaire promises a chance for students to meet their campus soulmate by asking a series of questions, some of which require the respondent to provide personal information including full name, email addresses, and personal preferences.

While the survey, which started as a 2017 class project at Stanford, may seem harmless, it could be a homewrecker. Currently, there are no cybersecurity measures in place other than the company’s reassurance to not sell your information, which does not protect against a hacker knowing intimate details linked to your name and email. Chances are scammers are already aware of the questionnaire and working to use this to their advantage putting you at risk for future phishing attacks.

University IT advises to not get engaged to this pact; however, if you already have, it’s not too late to break it off. You can email and request they delete your data. As always, be wary of sharing confidential or sensitive information over the web. Read more on how Duke University urges their students to also divorce the “Marriage Pact.”



Virtual Career Week

Registration is now open for the spring 2021 Virtual Career Week, taking place through March 12. Undergraduate and graduate students in AS&E will have the opportunity to save on professional wear, attend virtual workshops, and connect with employers during the Virtual Career Expo.

To make the most of this virtual experience:
  • Meet with employers and sign up for employer sessions during the expo in advance. Remember, you can only attend sessions you register for, and registration closes when a session begins or reaches capacity. Learn how to register and prepare for this year’s expo.
  • Update your Handshake profile. Some employers set qualifications to define which students can register for their sessions. To ensure you qualify for employer sessions, make sure your school year, major, GPA, and work authorization status are up-to-date on your profile.
  • Double-check your technology. You’ll need an internet connection, speakers and a microphone, and a supported device. Learn more about technical requirements for virtual fairs here.

If more guidance on a virtual career search would be helpful, the Greene Center is here to help you before, during, and after the expo. Email the Greene Center with questions or schedule an appointment with a career advisor.

Looking for something to do?

There are many activities happening both virtually and on-campus every day. View the event listings on CCC to see upcoming meetings, workshops, crafts, and more. You’ll find opportunities to explore from student organizations and departments. Go on a snow tubing adventure, relax with candlelight yoga, check off Rocky’s Top Ten Things To Do for Spring Semester, decorate a journal, or engage in one of the many other options.

Events listed are for undergraduate students in the College and at the Eastman School of Music. Snow tubing is also open to graduate students.

BIC-Ture This: A queer art-making series for LGBTQ students

Join the Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center for the next “BIC-Ture This” class and have fun with watercolors. The virtual class, which brings together LGBTQ+ students, takes place Wednesday, March 17, from 7 to 8 p.m. EST. Register by Thursday, March, 11. Drawing paint, brushes, a paint tray, and watercolor paper will be provided.


Your back pain plan

A constant backache can wear you down. Without the right plan, you could be stalling your recovery. Set up a time with a wellness coach to create a strategy that is tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle. Once completed, you can earn $100 through Well-U and be on your way to a pain-free day. Make your appointment today.


Mindful lunch break meditation

Explore a path to a happy life through the practice of mindful meditation during the next Koru mindfulness four-week workshop. Participants will learn two new meditation techniques each week, engage in a short, daily(ish) practice, and bring more mindfulness and gratitude to their lives. Sign up for the Monday or Tuesday sessions, both beginning this week. Registration for the program is required and is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Brought to you by the Mindful University Project.

National Nutrition Month events at Strong Memorial Hospital

Throughout March, the Cornell Dietetic Intern class of 2020–21 is hosting games, sampling events, highlighting different cuisines, and offering virtual learning opportunities throughout Strong Memorial Hospital for National Nutrition Month. Find event details, recipes, and more information here.

Attend a 'Yappy Hour'

Do you miss being able to visit therapy dogs on campus? Join the UHS Health Promotion Office for the first-ever virtual “Yappy Hour” on Wednesday, March 10, from 6–7 p.m. EST. Visit with some cute furry friends over Zoom. If you have a pet, have them attend with you on screen.

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