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April 22, 2021

Happy Earth Day, Rochester

As we celebrate Earth Day today, the University’s Nike “Reuse a Shoe” collection campaign is back after a pandemic-related hiatus. And, employees interested in sustainability are invited to join the Green Reps to help their departments “go green.” You can read more about both initiatives below.

Also in today’s issue:

  • Five Rochester researchers are among the latest recipients of the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award
  • Tonight, author and professor Christina Wolbrecht, gives a lecture on a decade of women voting
  • Register to attend next month’s Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards

Three new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Wednesday’s notice in @Rochester, there are three new cases of COVID-19 to report: two River Campus students and one Eastman Campus student. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

The Medical Center is continuing to make vaccine clinic appointments available to all University faculty, staff, and students. Visit the URMC COVID Clinic List to register.

It’s extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed in these COVID times? Students can reach out to the University Counseling Center for help. UHS also maintains a site with COVID Coping and Resources for students. Employees can contact the UR Medicine Employee Assistance Program, one of several support services for faculty and staff.

Rochester’s latest CAREER award recipients pursue a wide range of projects

headshots of five faculty membersFive University researchers have received the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, which recognizes early-career faculty: Dan Bergstralh, an assistant professor of biology; Ranga Dias, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and of physics and astronomy; Kathryn Knowles, an assistant professor of chemistry; Kathryn Mariner, the Wilmot Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Visual and Cultural Studies; and Yuhao Zhu, an assistant professor of computer science. The award provides recipients five years of funding to help lay the foundation for their future research.

Student Life Awards set for April 23

Twenty-one awards will be handed out at the 2021 Student Life Awards on Friday, April 23. The so-called “Rockys” recognize individual students and student groups in the College who have had a significant and positive impact on the University or surrounding the community through service to others, investment of talent and time, and pursuit of excellence.

Two in-person ceremonies will take place on the Eastman Quadrangle (3 to 5 p.m. EDT, and then 6 to 8 p.m. EDT) and will be accessible remotely via Zoom. Up to 50 people will be allowed at each in-person event.

Flags will be lowered for Laurie Frisch

University flags will be lowered Thursday, April 29, for Laurie Frisch, an outpatient access specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics, who died on April 12. Frisch joined the University staff in 2018.



Academic skills boot camp for AS&E undergraduate students

Need help organizing and planning for your finals? Can’t figure out when and where to start? Your study skills consultants from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning are hosting the final virtual boot camp of the semester to guide you through the planning process and provide additional tips and strategies. The session takes place Friday, April 23, from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT. Register to attend here.

Finding your motivation

How do you get back on track after a difficult year? This program, taking place Wednesday, April 28, from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT, will provide an opportunity to learn skills that you can use long-term to put you back on track and rekindle your motivation. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Join the Zoom here.

Healthy living for your brain and body

Finals week is exhausting. Take some time to care for your body and mind on Wednesday, April 28, from 7 to 8:15 p.m. EDT. This program for all undergraduate and graduate students at the University and at Rochester Institute of Technology. It will feed your mind with information about how to promote good mental and physical well-being, as well as boost your academic performance; offer guided meditation to improve mindfulness and reduce stress; and includes a tai chi session to center your brain and body. Register here to attend.

Series encourages students to try new study spots

In collaboration with the Health Promotion Office, the River Campus Libraries has launched a virtual learning series to promote healthy studying habits such as switching up study spots. Under the “Study Spaces” highlight on the River Campus Libraries Instagram account, you can find students across all grades speaking about their favorite study spots and how access to a variety of study spaces has alleviated burnout. You can also find interactive maps of the libraries in the Barbara J. Burger iZone. After you walk in the front entrance, to your right, you can pick up a flier of some helpful tips to manage virtual learning after you place a sticker of your favorite study spot and scope out other potential study spots.


Funding opportunity for novel intellectual and developmental disabilities research

The Cell and Molecular Imaging Core of the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center is offering up to $5,000 in individual pilot grant funding to support intellectual and developmental disability research. The core comprises advanced imaging and analysis technologies and corresponding faculty expertise, to support in vitro and in vivo study of phenomena at the subcellular, cellular, tissue, and whole animal scale. The awards are open to all faculty. The application can be accessed via Box. The submission deadline is Wednesday, May 5. Email Ania Majewska or Edward Brown for more information.

Join the Green Reps, an employee-led sustainability initiative

Interested in creating a more sustainable office? Join the Green Reps to become your department’s official ambassador for sustainability. You’ll receive The Compost, a monthly e-newsletter that features tips, tools, and resources to help you and your coworkers go green. To learn more or sign up, visit the Green Reps website or send an email.

Tips for quitting smoking

When “I’ll quit tomorrow” becomes today, Well-U’s tobacco cessation program is there for you. Email the lifestyle management team to speak one-on-one with your own coach and earn $100 upon completion. Get started with tips for the first days of your smoke-free future.


Cutler Lecture: 'A Century of Votes for Women'

Christina Wolbrecht, an author and a professor of political science and director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy at the University of Notre Dame, will give the Cutler lecture, “A Century of Votes for Women,” today, Thursday, April 22, at 4 p.m. EDT via Zoom. Learn more and register here.

Not your average bingo game

Have some fun while practicing numbers in a language that you’re learning. Join the Language Center for a different kind of bingo on Friday, April 23, from 4 to 5 p.m. EDT. Registration is required for this virtual event.

World music series concert features Hindustani music

The Barbara B. Smith World Music Series continues Sunday, April 25, at 3 p.m. EDT with cellist Jake Charkey performing Hindustani music, North Indian music on a western instrument. Charkey will perform with tabla player Mir Naqibul Islam. The performance will be streamed live at

Rochester Celebrity Organ Recital with Eastman organists

The Rochester Celebrity Organ Recital Series, together with the Eastman School of Music, will host organists David Higgs, chair of the Department of Organ, Sacred Music, and Historical Keyboards, and Anne Laver, a visiting professor of organ, in a virtual concert at Christ Church Rochester. The program is designed to highlight two organs housed at Christ Church: historical reconstructions of a Lithuanian organ built in 1776, and an American organ from 1893. This pre-recorded concert will be available on Friday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. EDT at

Save the date for Satcher Awards

The 12th annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards will take place over Zoom at 1 p.m. EDT on Thursday, May 6. Eugenia South, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and vice chair for inclusion, diversity, and equity, will present the keynote address, “Making Black Lives Matter Through Investment in Black Neighborhoods.” Learn more and register today.

Nike 'Reuse a Shoe' is back

The University first launched its Nike “Reuse a Shoe” collection on Earth Day 2009. After being on pause due to the pandemic, the program is back.
Through this program, sneakers are collected and transformed into Nike Grind materials, which become the base of new athletic surfaces. On the River Campus, you can drop off shoes in designated bins in the main locker rooms of the Goergen Athletic Center. Those who don’t frequent the gym can drop off shoes at the front desk.
At the Medical Center, you can drop off shoes at G-7528C by the yellow elevators; contact Lisa Rand (585) 273-2954. Only sneakers are accepted; cleats, boots, and sandals are not permitted. You can help spread the word with program posters.

April ‘digital print’ edition of Campus Times

This month’s digital print edition of the Campus Times is now available. You can also continue to access the weekly publications online at

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