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April 28, 2021

Temporary pause on international travel requests

Recently, the US Department of State announced a realignment of its risk ratings, making 80 percent of the countries worldwide Level 4: High-Risk; Do Not Travel and escalating risk for others. The Office for Global Engagement is currently evaluating how the University will respond to this change, as well as the best ways to process requests for future international travel. Therefore, all international travel requests from faculty, staff, and graduate students will need to be paused during this time as new guidance is finalized, including the process for exception approvals for essential research. The pause time on processing requests is expected to be 1–2 weeks. Travelers to international locations who have already initiated a travel request via Workday will receive communication from Global Engagement about the next steps, and guidance will also be made available for administrators and deans who will need to approve current and future international travel. Current travelers abroad should remain in close contact with Global Engagement and register with the US Department of State STEP program if they have not done so already.

In today’s issue:

  • Staff support is needed for this Friday’s Dandelion Day
  • New Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience research finds that children who were breastfed scored higher on neurocognitive tests
  • The Memorial Art Gallery is hosting five days of online programming to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Three new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Tuesday’s notice in @Rochester, there are three new cases of COVID-19 to report: three River Campus employees. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

The Medical Center is continuing to make vaccine clinic appointments available to all University faculty, staff, and students. Visit the URMC COVID Clinic List to register.

It’s extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed in these COVID times? Students can reach out to the University Counseling Center for help. UHS also maintains a site with COVID Coping and Resources for students. Employees can contact the UR Medicine Employee Assistance Program, one of several support services for faculty and staff.

New report details impact of federal research, spotlights University start-ups

The Science Coalition (TSC) has released its 2021 Sparking Economic Growth report, which documents how fundamental research support from the federal government helps drive research discoveries and new economic activity. The report features three companies—Community Forensic Interventions, LighTopTech, and Oscine Therapeutics—that were spun off from University research programs. Later today, TSC and President Sarah Mangelsdorf will recognize Congressman Joseph Morelle for his leadership in supporting federally funded research.

Staff support needed for Dandelion Day

Dandelion Day is Friday, April 30, part of the Springfest Community Weekend. The day is a collaboration of various offices of the College, which work to create a safe, community-oriented tradition on the River Campus. This year due to the ongoing pandemic, more staff help is needed to ensure student and staff safety and compliance.

Organizers need staff assistance between 5 and 10 p.m. To keep students active and engaged, there are many activities planned, and assistance is needed in keeping them compliant with New York State and University COVID-19 guidelines. Most of the events will occur on Wilson Quad, Faculty Road, and Goergen Athletic Field. If you or other members of your staff can assist in these efforts and have supervisor approval, email Rhonda Smith.

Provost’s Circle Scholars honored tonight

Provost Robert Clark will be inducting 11 student-athletes from the College into the Provost’s Circle in a Zoom event tonight. The students were nominated by the Department of Athletics and exemplify excellence in academics as well as in their sport.

Researchers find breastfeeding linked to higher neurocognitive testing scores

New research from the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience finds that children who were breastfed scored higher on neurocognitive tests. Researchers analyzed thousands of cognitive tests taken by nine- and 10-year-olds whose mothers reported they were breastfed and compared those results to scores of children who were not.



Finding your motivation

How do you get back on track after a difficult year? This program, sponsored by the Health Promotion Office and taking place today, Wednesday, April 28, from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT, will provide an opportunity to learn skills that you can use long-term to put you back on track and rekindle your motivation. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Join the Zoom here.

‘Together for Rochester’ for students ends on Friday

The initiative will come to a close this Friday, April 30. Students still have the opportunity to earn limited edition tie-dye T-shirts and sweatshirts by completing up to three checklist items. The last eligible event that counts toward the checklist is “Challenging Racism in Atlanta: A Conversation with David Jernigan,” happening tonight, Wednesday, April 28, at 7 p.m. EDT via Zoom. Register here.

Extended deadline for internship and creative experience funding

Due to the delay in some students receiving internship offers and program admissions during the pandemic, the Greene Center for Career Education and Connections is implementing a secondary deadline of May 2 for students to apply for funding support. The summer internship funding and creative experiential funding programs support AS&E undergraduate students who will experience a financial gap between their summer wages and their cost-of-living expenses to complete an internship or creative experience.

Wellness Wednesday: Peer coaches

Are you feeling sad or disinterested in your coursework? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the things you’re juggling? Has anxiety become a part of your daily life? You can talk to someone who may understand exactly what you’re going through. Try working with a student UR Connected Coach.

Peer coaches will listen without judgment, discuss steps you can take to feel better, and point you in the direction of other helpful resources. To get started, complete this coach request form, telling a little about yourself and the support you might need.

Check in next Wednesday for more tips and resources that will help you stay focused, healthy, and connected.


A conversation on open publishing

The limitations and challenges that educators and students faced throughout the pandemic have drawn eyes and minds to the world of open access. If you have ever been curious about how one might publish an open access book, attend this panel on open publishing, hosted by Mary Ann Mavrinac, vice provost and Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of University Libraries. Professionals from the humanities and social sciences will discuss their experiences over Zoom on Thursday, April 29, from noon to 1 p.m. EDT.

Upcoming 'Learn to Run' programs

Are you new to running, or looking to run with a group? Join Well-U and Max Effort Training for an upcoming eight-week training program designed for beginners or intermediate runners. Sign up for an overview of each program to learn more and email Well-U with any questions.

Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco pilot proposals

The Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco (CRoFT) at the University and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center is accepting applications for year-four pilot projects for research to inform FDA regulation of tobacco products. Read the full RFA for eligibility and application guidelines. The deadline to apply is May 2 at 11:59 p.m. for projects beginning September 1.


Asian Pacific American Heritage Month virtual celebration at Memorial Art Gallery

Join the Memorial Art Gallery virtually for five days of online programming from Wednesday, April 28, through Sunday, May 2, to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The programs will begin at 1 p.m. EDT each day and registration will be required. Find the schedule and registration links here.

Virtual University Technology Showcase

Register for the virtual University Technology Showcase. This free, online showcase will highlight technology presentations and exhibitor displays from diverse organizations and researchers and includes guest talks on the future of remote work. The event takes place Thursday, April 29, from 1 to 5 p.m. EDT.

Virtual information session with Warner School admissions

Join Warner School of Education admissions at a virtual information session on Thursday, April 29, from 5 to 6 p.m. EDT to learn more about graduate programs in counseling, educational leadership, education policy, health professions education, higher education, human development, online teaching, program evaluation, and teaching. The next application deadline is June 15. Contact Warner School admissions with questions. Learn more and register for an upcoming admissions virtual information session.

Data science seminar

Join the Goergen Institute for Data Science on Friday, April 30, for “Design for Inference and the Power of Random Experiments in Biology,” a research seminar with Aviv Regev, head of research and early development at Genentech. This free, virtual talk will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. EDT via Zoom.

International Theatre Program presents 'Terminal 3'

student actors standing on set

The International Theatre Program will present Terminal 3—a play by playwright and poet Lars Norén—from April 30 through May 2. Celia Konowe ’21 and Oti Yonwuren ’22, pictured, are two of the actors featured in the staged and filmed hybrid production. The show is approximately one hour and will only be viewable online at specific times.

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