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May 3, 2021

Will your future clothes be made of algae?

For the first time, researchers at the University in the lab of Anne S. Meyer, an associate professor of biology, and at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands used 3-D printers and a novel bioprinting technique to print algae into living, photosynthetic materials that are tough and resilient. The material has a variety of applications in energy and medicine, as well as in fashion and space exploration.

In today’s issue:

  • This year, the University will induct 127 students into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society
  • Faculty and graduate students can learn about teaching with the Rochester Education Justice Initiative, the University’s prison education program
  • The 12th annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards take place this week

One new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Friday’s notice in @Rochester, there is one new case of COVID-19 to report: one River Campus employee. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

The Medical Center is continuing to make vaccine clinic appointments available to all University faculty, staff, and students. Visit the URMC COVID Clinic List to register.

It’s extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed in these COVID times? Students can reach out to the University Counseling Center for help. UHS also maintains a site with COVID Coping and Resources for students. Employees can contact the UR Medicine Employee Assistance Program, one of several support services for faculty and staff.

University inducts 127 students into Phi Beta Kappa

The University’s newest inductees into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society include 109 seniors and 18 juniors. Another 20 seniors were elected as juniors last spring. Membership is by invitation only, and students are selected by faculty members who are also members of the society.

Hajim School dean delivers 'State of the School' address

On April 28, Dean Wendi Heinzelman gave a virtual “State of the School” address to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. She provided an update on the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences’ accomplishments this year and an update on what the fall semester will look like. The recording is available on YouTube.

Security Tip: Better Business Bureau suggests a spring digital makeover

The National Cyber Security Alliance and Better Business Bureau encourage all consumers to work efficiently and safely by removing cyber clutter. Over the past year, many individuals began to work remotely, and as this continues it is important to take proactive steps to safeguard against identity theft, credit card fraud, and other means to compromise your data. When you part ways with past documents, photos, and other multimedia files, this also helps to improve your devices’ speed and security. Most importantly, be sure to follow up with regular maintenance, troubleshooting checks, and updated security software to ensure you are clear from identity theft. Check out 5 ways the BBB advises consumers to spring clean digitally. Get more information on the University’s policy on retention to understand the institution’s guidelines for managing emails and documentation.

Print and copy service for personal use

Do you need to print flyers, posters, invitations, raffle tickets, or just about anything else? The University Copy Center is available for all your printing needs. Upload your file and customize your preferences. You can also bring your originals to the Copy Center located at the Medical Center (G-7230A), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach available onsite staff at (585) 275-3879 to request a custom quote or to schedule an appointment for an on-site consultation. Looking to be gentle on the environment? Ask about their recycled paper options.



Drop-in counseling groups for May

The University Counseling Center offers the following drop-in groups throughout May:

Online Write-a-Thon

The Writing Fellows are here to help AS&E students with final papers and will be offering online tutoring during evening and weekend hours until the end of the semester, May 2–9. Schedule a session to meet virtually with an undergraduate peer writing tutor and get help with your final papers. Writing Fellows are trained to help with all types of academic writing at all stages of the writing process.

Study in a Zoom room

Normally, this is a time when many of you are claiming booths and tables in library spaces to study with your friends and teams. COVID-19 has complicated that. The River Campus Libraries is offering a virtual solution: the RCL Study Zoom, a community Zoom room that allows you to work in groups safely and comfortably. Through breakout rooms, you can talk openly and unmasked, and library staff are available to assist with research or questions about the Zoom features. Register for one of the Study Zooms on Tuesday, May 4, from 12–3 p.m. EDT or Wednesday, May 5, from 4–6 p.m. EDT to receive the link.


Health Bites: Overview of Lifespan’s services

Join Well-U and UR Medicine EAP for this month’s Health Bites on Tuesday, May 11, from noon to 1 p.m. EDT for a detailed overview of the services Lifespan of Greater Rochester provides on eldercare and caregiving. Register here to attend this virtual event.

University home ownership incentive program

To assist with the dream of home ownership, the University has teamed up with the City of Rochester and several banks and credit unions to offer regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff, residents, and fellows $9,000 toward the purchase of a primary residence. For more information and to explore qualifying neighborhoods, visit the Home Ownership website.

Teach for the Rochester Education Justice Initiative

The Rochester Education Justice Initiative, the University’s prison education program, seeks interested Rochester faculty and graduate students to teach credit-bearing college courses for incarcerated students during the 2021–22 academic year. The initiative provides college education to incarcerated students and, through the Justice Scholars program, helps formerly incarcerated students complete their higher education at colleges and universities in the Rochester area.

Interested faculty and graduate students should complete this application by Friday, May 14; include a statement of interest along with your application. Contact Eitan Freedenberg with questions.


Register to attend the Satcher Awards

The 12th annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards will take place over Zoom at 1 p.m. EDT on Thursday, May 6. Eugenia South, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and vice chair for inclusion, diversity, and equity, will present the keynote address, “Making Black Lives Matter Through Investment in Black Neighborhoods.” Learn more and register today.


Wilmot Cancer Institute care teams are helping patients stay strong while going the distance. The “Walk n’ Roll” program encourages patients to walk more during their hospitalization, tracking their progress to earn medals and ribbons.

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