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May 19, 2021

Wastewater surveillance effective in efforts to detect COVID-19 on college campuses

According to new research from Rochester researchers, wastewater monitoring is a promising tool for COVID-19 surveillance. The study of colleges’ experiences with wastewater monitoring was co-led by Katrina Smith Korfmacher, professor and director of the Community Engagement Core of the Department of Environmental Medicine.

In today’s issue:

  • This year’s eyeglasses recycling program brought in 1,254 pairs of glasses
  • May’s edition of HR Intercom includes information on COVID-19 vaccine pay, the HR Achievement Award, and more
  • We continue to spotlight the Class of 2021

No new positive cases of COVID-19

Since Tuesday’s notice in @Rochester, there are no new cases of COVID-19 to report. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated daily. Whenever a new case is known, the contact-tracing process begins immediately with confirmed exposures being contacted and required to quarantine.

The Medical Center is continuing to make vaccine clinic appointments available to all University faculty, staff, and students. Visit the URMC COVID Clinic List to register.

It’s extremely important for the health of the University community that individuals continue to adhere to the face masking and social distancing protocols. Even as some individuals are now receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine, these practices to prevent the transmission of the virus cannot be relaxed.

Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed in these COVID times? Students can reach out to the University Counseling Center for help. UHS also maintains a site with COVID Coping and Resources for students. Employees can contact the UR Medicine Employee Assistance Program, one of several support services for faculty and staff.

Seniors in digital media studies present capstone projects

Seniors majoring in digital media studies have spent their final semester working in teams to complete capstone projects, demonstrating their newly acquired knowledge of media history, theory, design, and technology in a digital media project that addresses real-world problems or needs.

Go Green: Spring eyeglasses recycling drive results

A record-breaking 15 departments competed in this year’s eyeglasses recycling program, hosted by University Facilities and Services. A total of 1,254 pairs of glasses were collected this year, with the University community collecting 8,343 pairs of glasses since the program started in August 2014.



The secret to passing Biden’s child care plan? Convincing people it helps all kids.

The Washington Post, May 17

Mical Raz, the Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor in Public Health and Policy and an associate professor of history and of clinical medicine, argues that the secret to passing President Joe Biden’s childcare plan is to convince Americans it helps all kids, not just the poor.



Eastman scholar finds a home in Rochester’s early music community

portrait of Naomi Gregory

Cambridge organ scholar Naomi Gregory earns her second doctorate at the Eastman School of Music.

‘I learned to be a better scientist at Rochester’

photo of Monique Mendes

Among the few Black women to earn a PhD in neuroscience, Monique Mendes begins her career as a research scientist.


Health and dental premiums increase July 1

In response to the financial implications of COVID-19, the University previously announced the delay of health and dental premium increases which would typically have gone into effect January 1, 2021, through June 30, 2021. Effective July 1, 2021, health and dental premiums will increase in accordance with the 2021 rates. If you have questions, email

HR Intercom highlights COVID-19 vaccine pay and more

This month’s issue of HR Intercom, a newsletter with information about Human Resources programs and materials, includes information on COVID-19 vaccine pay, the HR Achievement Award, and more.

Nutrition Kitchen: Barbeque season is here

Join Jill Chodack, a registered dietician from Well-U’s lifestyle management team, and navigate healthy grilling. May’s recipe will focus on crafting healthy alternatives for traditional fan favorites.

Take the Simon Medical Management Experience

The Simon Medical Management Experience provides an opportunity to virtually attend class and participate in a roundtable discussion with current students. The session will begin with an in-depth look at the MS medical management program. Register here to join on Saturday, May 22, from 8 to 11 a.m. EDT.

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