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July 1, 2021

Summer@Eastman concerts continue throughout the month

Summer@Eastman performances continue today with trumpeter Clay Jenkins, a professor of jazz studies and contemporary media at the Eastman School of Music. The free concert takes place at 7:30 p.m. EDT in Kilbourn Hall and will also be streamed live. You can find the schedule for upcoming performances here.

In today’s issue:

  • Well-U and Max Effort Training are offering on-demand fitness videos
  • Learn about construction projects ongoing at River Campus Libraries
  • Attend a webinar on the National COVID Cohort Collaborative research patient database

Madison Lang ’22 honored with ‘astronaut scholarship’

Madison Lang ’22, a biomedical engineering major, has been awarded a 2021 Astronaut Scholarship Foundation award. Lang is one of 60 college students pursuing STEM degrees who were selected for the award.

Flags will be lowered for Paul Harris

University flags will be lowered Thursday, July 8, for Paul Harris, a preventative maintenance administrator in University Facilities and Services, River Campus Operations, who died on June 13. Harris joined the University staff in 1979.


How does Pentagon UFO report affect search for other life in universe?

TODAY, June 30

The new government report on “unidentified aerial phenomena” essentially said that they do exist, but they also can’t be explained. While alien life is one theory behind the unexplained sightings, Adam Frank, the Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, says that it’s unlikely. Frank was also included in a June 28 segment on the show about the report.


New on-demand fitness videos

Are you looking for short fitness classes you can do at any time? Well-U has teamed up with Max Effort Training to provide on-demand videos. The first one in the series is up and ready to be viewed. If you don’t yet have a Zenplanner account, you will need to create one first. Email Well-U with questions.


How researchers can use the National COVID Cohort Collaborative

Join the webinar, “The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): A Research Patient Database for Studying COVID and More,” to learn how you can take advantage of this open science community that harmonizes COVID-19 patient data. Elaine Hill, an associate professor of public health sciences, will share her experience working with the N3C pregnancy domain team. The webinar takes place Thursday, July 8, at 10 a.m. EDT. Learn more and register here.


instagram post showing empty space where Studio X will be built

What was once a collaborative study area on the first floor of Carlson Library will soon be the brand new Studio X, the University’s hub for immersive technologies. Take a short tour of the construction zone on the River Campus Libraries’ Instagram, and read more about other summer construction projects at the libraries.


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