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July 9, 2021

Where Rochester has gone before

The journey of the James Webb Space Telescope—slated to go into space as early as this fall—will mark a milestone for planetary science and human ingenuity. Closer to Earth, the new telescope adds to the galaxy of space-based telescopes, observatories, and satellites that Rochester faculty and alumni have played significant roles in over the past half-century. Learn more about these connections.

In today’s issue:

  • Nutrition programming is available to faculty and staff through Well-U
  • Next week’s “Breaking the Bubble” talk focuses on advancing human rights in the United States
  • The Eastman Institute for Oral Health’s Class of 2021 celebrated their graduation last month

Cold weather virus in summer baffles docs, worries parents

ABC News, July 8

RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, typically sickens children in colder months but has recently emerged this summer. Mary Caserta, a professor of pediatrics, said parents should be aware of the unusually timed virus activity and seek medical care if babies appear very ill or have trouble breathing. The virus is one reason why pediatricians often caution parents of young babies to avoid crowds in winter cough and cold season. “COVID has made people so hungry to be with other people that it would be hard now” to make the same recommendation, she says.


Not your high school health class

Get the most up-to-date nutrition information that will help you make food choices beyond the pros and cons of differing diets. Well-U’s Nutrition Basics is offering virtual programs that are convenient and easy to commit to. See what’s cooking.


Talk: ‘Advancing Human Rights in the United States’

The latest virtual talk in the Breaking the Bubble series is “In the Spirit of Mandela: Advancing Human Rights in the United States” on Monday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m. EDT. Local activist Jalil Muntaqim will discuss building international solidarity with progressives across the country and why that is important. The talk is cosponsored by the Office of Residential Life and the Rotary Club of Rochester Southwest. Learn more and register here.


group photo of students holding up their degrees

The Eastman Institute for Oral Health’s Class of 2021 consisted of 79 graduates representing 29 countries. Learn more about this year’s class and find more photos on the institute’s Instagram.


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