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December 6, 2021

Medical Center experts answer COVID-19 booster questions

What does the CDC’s recently expanded eligibility for getting a COVID-19 booster vaccination mean? Angela Branche and Ann Falsey, codirectors of the Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit at the Medical Center, answer some common questions.

In today’s issue:

  • University IT offers tips on protecting yourself from cybercriminals during the holiday travel
  • Updates on Winter Stay housing for students on River Campus
  • Learn about winter cycling

Six new positive cases of COVID-19

There are six new cases of COVID-19 to report: two River Campus students and three employees, and one Eastman campus student. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated when a new case is reported. Find the latest COVID-19 messages and updates here.

A reminder on face masks: they must be worn properly, covering the nose and mouth, indoors on the University’s campuses and properties. Visit the face mask FAQ page for full information. Face masks with air valves are not permitted, nor are face shields alone without a proper face mask underneath.

Free COVID-19 testing: rapid COVID-19 antigen testing is available at no charge to asymptomatic students, faculty, and staff by appointment in Rettner Hall on River Campus.

Mortality informs creativity in poet James Longenbach’s latest collection

For James Longenbach, the Joseph Henry Gilmore Professor of English, lyric poetry proved the necessary medium for contemplating mortality in the years after his cancer diagnosis. The result is the collection of poems in Forever.

Security Tip: Keep your personal info safe while traveling this holiday season

University IT offers the following advice for protecting yourself from cybercriminals this holiday season. When traveling, pay extra attention to bank accounts, secure personal devices with passcodes, and consider using VPN in places that offer free public WiFi. Hold off on sharing information on social media until you return home as cybercriminals often troll accounts looking to take advantage. Most importantly, holiday seasons are dangerous times of the year for your data, so avoid all suspicious phone calls or emails requesting immediate action—such as gift card purchasing—or personal information.


Update on Winter Stay housing

In light of rapidly changing guidance on international travel and other considerations, Residential Life is now offering Winter Stay housing in all River Campus undergraduate residence halls and apartments from December 18 through January 7.

Registration is required by December 10 if you plan to stay for any or all of Winter Stay. Only those students who register for Winter Stay housing will be given ID access. The Winter Stay registration form and full information, including dining details, are available on the Residential Life website.

Students who need help with this process should email the Office for Residential Life.

Study breaks, free food, and resources

Wilson Commons Student Activities is hosting several study breaks with coffee, coloring and crafts, painting, self-care kits, free pool, board games, bubble wrap, and more for undergraduate students. You can also stop by the Feldman Ballroom on Friday, December 10, starting at 9 p.m. for a free late night breakfast buffet served by faculty and staff. Are your devices running low? Plug into charging stations located throughout the Campus Center or borrow a power bank from Common Connection. The Common Connection will also be providing free study supplies starting Thursday, December 9, such as note cards and highlighters, while supplies last.


Supervisor Series: Workplace conflict

Managers and supervisors can learn to assess their conflict management style, consider their role as supervisors in resolving conflicts, and explore the value of defining the problem before intervening. Join Well-U and UR Medicine EAP on Wednesday, December 15, from noon to 1 p.m. EST for this virtual session. Register here.


Get ready for winter biking

No need to put your bicycle away when the snow starts falling. A virtual “Winter Cycling” class offered by the Department of Transportation and Parking will teach you tips and tricks to help you extend your cycling season, cover the necessary gear for riding in the cold and in the dark, how to deal with changing road conditions, winter bike maintenance tips, and more. Join via Zoom on Friday, December 10, from noon to 1 p.m. EST, including time for questions at the end. Registration is required.

Get ‘In the Zone’

Hosted by the Barbara J. Burger iZone, “In the Zone” invites innovators and creators from the University to share their stories of change-making spotlighting their journey, struggles, successes, and plans for the future to inspire your next venture. Find the most recent episode here. If you’re interested in being part of “In The Zone” or know a person or group who deserves to be highlighted, fill out this form.

Virtual talk on safe toys, playtime measures to keep kids injury-free

Tune in to the Center for Community Health & Prevention’s Facebook page on Thursday, December 9, any time after 11 a.m. EST as Anne Brayer, a professor of emergency medicine and pediatrics and director of the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Rochester​, presents “Safe Toys Can Help to Keep Kids Injury-Free Through the Holidays.” This taped presentation will help you learn more about common toys that lead to injury, how to choose toys wisely, and additional safety measures for playtime.


Screenshot of the Sage Art Center Instagram showing seniors at the opening reception for their exhibit

The senior art exhibition is on display in the ASIS Gallery at the Sage Art Center through December 9. Find photos from the opening reception and exhibit on Sage Art Center’s Instagram.


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