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January 24, 2022

Why this Rochester math professor champions year-round undergraduate research

Alex Iosevich, professor of math, photographed with PhD student Charlotte Aten in Wegmans Hall December 20, 2021. Iosevich says he "no longer believes undergraduate research experience is optional. I think it needs to be a fundamental part of the curriculum.” Alex practices what he preaches. This year he has directed a Tripods REU (research experience for undergraduates), an affiliated STEM for ALL research experience for undergrads, and conducts ongoing undergrad research workshops this fall through spring, for the Goergen Institute for Data Science.

Alex Iosevich, a professor of mathematics, has published more than 130 papers, has received more than $2 million in grants to fund his research interests, and currently advises eight of the 27 PhD students in the department. But Iosevich’s passion is creating research opportunities for undergraduates. Iosevich (left), is pictured above with PhD student Charlotte Aten ’17, ’19 (MS). Aten got started in research as an undergraduate at Rochester, through a program Iosevich co-directs and is now one of the program’s instructors.

In today’s issue:

  • University IT offers tips on avoiding scams surrounding at-home COVID tests
  • Attend “Local Knowledge, Migration, and Justice,” part of the yearlong Sawyer Seminar series
  • The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is hosting a five-week workshop on nonviolent communication

Update on new positive cases of COVID-19

There are eight new positive cases among students to report: five on River Campus, one on Eastman Campus, and two on the Medical Campus. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated when a new case is reported. Find the latest COVID-19 messages and updates here.

A reminder on face masks: they must be worn properly, covering the nose and mouth, indoors on the University’s campuses and properties. Visit the face mask FAQ page for full information. Face masks with air valves are not permitted, nor are face shields alone without a proper face mask underneath.

Security Tip: At-home COVID-19 testing scams

The recent COVID-19 surge has people flocking to stock up on at-home testing kits from store shelves to online resources. A reminder from University IT: be vigilant and avoid clicking links in emails or text messages promising to send test kits to you. Scammers are capitalizing on the scurry to get your information. Always be sure you are using reputable resources, such as


‘Write-On’ is open

Writing fellows from the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program have opened their “Write-On” service for the spring semester. Through this service, students can submit papers via an online platform and receive asynchronous feedback from a Writing Fellow within 48 hours. “Write-On” is available to students no matter where they are residing in January and will remain available for the rest of the semester. You can submit any style of stand-alone paper and can submit up to 10 pages. For more information, visit the writing fellows website.


Regular access to libraries returns

The River Campus Libraries will reopen most spaces and return to regular hours on January 31. The Art/Music Library will return to regular operation on February 2. All libraries will be offering services in accordance with the University’s most up-to-date health and safety policies. For the latest information, consult the COVID-19 Resource Center.

Virtual Roundtable: ‘Local Knowledge, Migration, and Justice, II’

The yearlong Sawyer Seminar’s events regarding migration continue through the academic year. Join the Humanities Center on Wednesday, January 26, at 5 p.m. EST for an online event that brings together local experts on Rochester’s Latin American community to discuss the state of area organizations as well as initiatives to document community members’ experiences, including the “Latino Oral Histories” digital project. Guest speakers include Isabel Córdova, a professor of history, of politics, and of law at Nazareth College, and Evelyn D’Agostino, executive founder and treasurer of Grupo Cultural Latinos en Rochester, with Pablo Sierra Silva, an associate professor of history at Rochester, moderating. Register for the event.

Workshop on nonviolent communication

Join the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence for a five-week workshop on nonviolent communication. The virtual program takes place on Thursdays beginning January 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. EST. Learn more and register here. Capacity is limited to 25 participants.

Register to attend a virtual neurotherapeutics symposium

Attend neurotherapeutics symposium 2022, “Integrating Equity within Translational Research,” held virtually Friday, January 28, and Saturday, January 29. The symposium will include diverse leadership, speakers, and attendees from all levels and there will be a strong focus on mentorship and career development for young investigators and trainees. Submit an abstract of any ongoing research effort. Abstracts will be required to include an “equity focus” and the top 10 percent of abstracts will be considered for a symbolic monetary prize. Registration is required.


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