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February 10, 2022

Good morning, Rochester

Learn about the Ukraine crisis at a lecture this evening by Randall Stone, director of the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies. Find more details about the free event in the For the Community section below.

Also in today’s issue:

  • A reminder that the University’s indoor face mask policies remain in place until further notice
  • The latest COVID-19 update from Chief Medical Officer Michael Apostolakos
  • The Susan B. Anthony Institute is holding a teach-in on reproductive justice next week

Update on new positive cases of COVID-19

There are six new positive cases among students to report: two on the Medical Campus and four on the River Campus. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated when a new case is reported. Find the latest COVID-19 messages and updates here.

University’s indoor face mask policies remain in place

On Wednesday, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced some revisions to the state’s indoor face masking mandate. To avoid any confusion related to this news, University leaders would like to remind everyone that the University’s current face mask policies remain in place. The general requirement to wear a face mask inside the University’s buildings existed before the New York State mandate and continues to be an important part of mitigating COVID transmissions on our campuses, especially within our student residential spaces and the return of in-person classes and student activities.

University leaders continue to monitor all appropriate revisions of COVID policy, using both New York State guidance and CDC recommendations, and will broadly announce any changes to the University community.

COVID-19 update from Michael Apostolakos, chief medical officer

Michael Apostolakos, chief medical officer at Strong Memorial Hospital, has been at the forefront of treating, monitoring, and communicating about COVID-19 in the greater Rochester community since the pandemic began. His regular email updates have kept the Medical Center community apprised of the status of the infection and have included important details and resources on staying healthy, as well the current COVID-19 prevention protocols in place. A digest form of these updates is being featured in @Rochester and on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center as a way to share important information with the broader University community. Apostolakos’s message from February 8 follows.

We continue to see a significant reduction in COVID census at our hospitals across the system. Based on the trends we’ve seen over the past two weeks, we believe the omicron surge has peaked and is abating. The reduced volumes bring some very good news: as of this week Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital are able to resume elective outpatient surgery under the New York state guidelines, and next week, we plan to reopen Strong West surgical center. We continue to encourage everyone to follow safety precautions, both at work and off-duty, that have helped keep us and our patients as safe as possible from COVID.

Helpful links

Addressing climate change skepticism in rural classrooms

Scientific evidence alone isn’t enough to reach some students in conservative rural regions. Rochester researchers led by Kevin Meuwissen, an associate professor and chair of teaching and curriculum at the Warner School of Education, share what else teachers can do to counter climate change resistance.


‘Career Conversation’ with Jude Ogbuibe

Join the Ain Center for Entrepreneurship on Friday, February 11, at noon EST for a virtual “Career Conversation” with Jude Ogbuibe ’18 (MS), a senior product manager at Visa. A graduate of the MS in technical entrepreneurship and management program, Ogbuibe will chat with students about his career and interests in innovation and entrepreneurship. Attend the virtual talk via Zoom. Contact the Ain Center with questions.


Join the Green Reps for ‘Blind Date with a Book’

What’s better on a cold Rochester winter day than a book, a warm beverage, and a roaring fire? Join the Green Reps for a “Blind Date with a Book” on Tuesday, February 15, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Welles-Brown Room, Rush Rhees Library. Wrap up a book, write some details (no spoilers), and grab a friend. Bring your own mug for a hot beverage. Reserve a space via email by February 11 or if you have any questions.

Anti-racist curriculum development in higher education

Nancy Ares, an associate professor at the Warner School of Education, is offering a one-credit seminar on “Anti-Racist Curriculum Development in Higher Education” for University faculty and instructors. The online, synchronous course will meet on Saturdays in March and April. Participants will gain knowledge and skills to create an anti-racist curriculum through the revision of an existing course syllabus, as well as through discussions and selected readings. The Warner School provides a tuition award to cover costs above employee tuition benefits coverage. Contact Nancy Ares with questions and Crys Cassano for registration information.

Full tuition coverage to advance your nursing career

Transform your nursing practice and health care career opportunities with an advanced degree. The School of Nursing has extended its SON Tuition Grant, providing University employees with full tuition coverage for select bachelor’s and Master’s programs through the summer 2024 semester. To learn more about eligibility, including qualified programs and how to apply, register for a February 15 webinar. Contact School of Nursing admissions with questions.

EAP blog on money management support

Are you looking to improve your money management skills this year? Read this month’s UR Medicine EAP blog to learn about how to find support. UR Medicine EAP is brought to you by Well-U, helping eligible individuals to assess issues, and provide short-term counseling and referrals.


Lecture: ‘The Ukraine Crisis’

Randall Stone, director of the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies, calls the Ukraine crisis, with 130,000 Russian troops at the border of the two countries, the greatest foreign policy challenge of the Biden Administration. Stone presents a free lecture on the crisis at 7:30 p.m. EST today, February 10, in Sloan Auditorium, Goergen Hall. Read more about the lecture here.

Attend a teach-in, lecture on reproductive justice

The Susan B. Anthony Institute is holding a teach-in on reproductive justice on Wednesday, February 16. Four presentations will discuss varying areas of reproductive justice with time for audience discussion. Guests are welcome to participate online or in person. On Monday, February 21, Camille Gear Rich, the Dorothy W. Nelson Professor of Law and Sociology at USC Gould School of Law, will give the keynote talk “The Right To Reproduce: Reframing the Reproductive Rights for a World Beyond Roe.” If you plan to participate online, register at least 24 hours in advance of the event. Learn more and register at the links above.


Screenshot of the UR Medicine Facebook page highlighting Black History Month

The Medical Center is celebrating medical history makers throughout Black History Month. Follow along and learn more here.


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