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May 27, 2022

Honoring alumni who gave their lives in service to America

From left: Robert Claudius ’46, James Dennison ’56, Gordon Lambert ’32, ’35 (MD)

Members of the University community have served their country in wartime since the Civil War, with many having made the ultimate sacrifice. This Memorial Day, we share the stories of Robert Claudius ’46, James Dennison ’56, and Gordon Lambert ’32, ’35 (MD) who died while serving in the armed forces.

Please note: The next issue of @Rochester will arrive in your inbox on Tuesday, May 31, after the Memorial Day holiday. Send suggestions for Tuesday’s edition by 2 p.m. EDT today.

In today’s issue:

  • The Department of Public Safety offers guidance on and training sessions for active shooter response procedures
  • Support session today for employees affected by the violent attacks in Buffalo and Texas
  • Sign up to participate in a summer meditation workshop

Update on new positive cases of COVID-19

There are three new positive cases among students to report: one on the Medical Campus and two on the River Campus. Please note that the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard is updated when a new case is reported. Find the latest COVID-19 messages and updates here.

Public Safety reminds University community: ‘Run, hide, fight’

The Department of Public Safety trains to respond to life-threatening situations and guides University community members on the recommended actions to take in the presence of an active shooter—“Run, Hide, Fight.”  Public Safety encourages everyone to review active shooter response procedures and the FBI’s “Run, Hide, Fight” video. DPS also offers in-person active shooter preparedness sessions for groups or departments; find the full list of safety sessions and schedule a session here.

In the event of any report of an active shooter or violence on campus, DPS and local law enforcement will rapidly respond to the scene, and the University’s AlertUR notification system will deliver urgent messages to the community. Everyone is encouraged to regularly review and update their contact information in AlertUR; sign in with your NetID and password. Visit the AlertUR FAQ here.

Strong, Highland hospitals achieve highest level of age-friendly health system certification

Data show the frameworks created at both Strong Memorial and Highland hospitals to improve care for seniors are effective. This certification is a key milestone in a “transformative journey to ensure age-friendly care to older adults across all UR Medicine care settings,”  said Annette Medina-Walpole, the Paul H. Fine Professor of Medicine, chief of the Division of Geriatrics and Aging, and director of the University of Rochester Aging Institute.

Bursar’s Office closing early today

The Bursar’s Office will close at 3 p.m. today, May 27.


‘Connect for Support’ for employees affected by recent events

In response to the recent attacks in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, UR Medicine EAP is offering a space for employees to “Connect for Support” today, May 27, at noon EDT. The sessions are designed to help employees recognize their own symptoms of distress, consider coping skills they can use to support their own wellness during difficult times, and to create a space for employees to support one another. Register here.

Reunion Weekend events for School of Nursing, School of Medicine and Dentistry faculty and staff

School of Nursing and School of Medicine and Dentistry faculty and staff can register to attend talks and panels across Reunion Weekend, June 10–11. Attend “Future of Health Care” with Jack Rowe ’70M (MD) and Medical Center CEO Mark Taubman; “Future of Medical Education” moderated by Philip Pizzo ’70M (MD); and “School of Nursing Update: Helen Wood Hall Expansion” with Tara Serwetnyk, director of academic innovation at the School of Nursing and an assistant professor of clinical nursing. Learn more and register here.


CRoFT seminar, career story

The Western New York Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco (CRoFT) hosts the virtual seminar “Keeping Pace with the Evolving Tobacco Landscape” today, May 27, at 11 a.m. EDT. Find more information and register here.

Following the presentation, Andrea Gentzke, a health scientist in the Office on Smoking and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and managing editor of the US Surgeon General’s report on tobacco, will present a virtual “Career Story” from noon to 1 p.m. EDT. Registration is required for that session.

Summer meditation workshop

Have you attended a Koru basic class or already have an established meditation practice? Koru 2.0 is a four-session course that allows you to deepen your practice and includes chair yoga, labeling practices, gatha meditation, and loving-kindness meditation. The third session is a mini silent retreat that includes a dharma talk. This summer course is being offered as a part of the University’s Zen Meditation Group. The class will take place on Tuesday, May 31, and June 7, 14, and 21 from 6 to 7 p.m. EDT via Zoom. Registration is required. Registering for this course will add you to the Zen Meditation Group email list, from which you will receive weekly emails detailing each session. You may ask to be removed from this email list at any time during or after the course if you would prefer not to continue receiving the weekly emails.

Toastmasters guest day

Attend a guest day with the University’s Daybreakers Toastmasters Club on Thursday, June 2, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. EDT in the Louise Slaughter Conference Room (1-9555), Medical Center, or virtually via Zoom. Toastmasters is about gaining confidence speaking in any situation, improving your leadership skills, having fun, and growing in a supportive environment.


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