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June 13, 2022

Class of 2026 shows increases among underrepresented groups

The College’s incoming Class of 2026 is expected to number around 1,500 undergraduate students—representing more than 40 countries and 44 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico—with increases across all underrepresented demographics. The Eastman School of Music expects 130 first-year students from eight countries and 30 states. Read more about the incoming class of Yellowjackets.

In today’s issue:

  • University IT offers a reminder on updating software on mobile devices in this week’s Security Tip
  • Graduate students can participate in a wellness walk
  • Take part in the University’s institutional-wide Juneteenth celebration on Thursday

Is your phone’s software up-to-date?

In a digital world where we store, share and access personal and work-related data on mobile devices, it’s important to regularly update software. These updates often include patches to security vulnerabilities, so it’s crucial to update operating systems and apps when prompted to help prevent access by cybercriminals. Check out University IT’s Mobile Computing Device Security Standards for more information on securing your mobile devices.


Graduate student wellness walk

Join the Graduate Student Wellness Committee on Thursday, June 16, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for a wellness walk from the River Campus to Genesee Valley Park. You’ll have an opportunity to meet students from all six of the University’s graduate schools as well as staff from grad programs and UHS health promotion staff. The walk is open to the entire graduate student community and will include ice breakers and a short, guided meditation. Meet at the walking bridge at the intersection of Wilson Boulevard and Fraternity Road.


Reminder about gifts and solicitations for employees

A reminder that, as detailed in the University’s Code of Conduct Section III.1. Conflicts of Interest or Commitment, Gifts, and Solicitations, Medical Center employees cannot accept any gifts, and non-Medical Center faculty and staff should not accept any gifts valued over $100. Any items redeemed through a rewards program—including gift cards—are considered gifts. Refer to your supervisor if you have questions.


‘Celebrating Juneteenth: Expressions of Freedom’

The University’s institution-wide Juneteenth celebration will feature artistic expressions of freedom, highlight vendors from the Greater Rochester community, honor significant Juneteenth food items, and more during the day-long fair on Thursday, June 16, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Feldman Ballroom, Douglass Commons.

The schedule for the free, family-friendly event includes a free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; live music and dancing at 3 p.m; and musical performances, a DJ, and line dancing from 5 to 7 p.m.

Virtual talk: ‘Calling All Men: It’s Time to Get Moving’

Tune in to the Center for Community Health & Prevention’s Facebook page on Thursday, June 16, any time after 11 a.m. EDT as Justin Kelsey, an employee wellness coordinator and lifestyle coach at the center, presents “Calling All Men: It’s Time to Get Moving.” The taped presentation will help you learn how to use exercise motivation strategies to build movement into your daily routines and overcome exercise barriers. This talk is a special event for Men’s Health Month in June. 

Workshop series explores hate

Join the Gandhi Institute for “Let’s Talk About Hate,” a two-part workshop dedicated to exploring this seldom-discussed topic through a variety of perspectives and traditions. Sessions take place virtually Thursdays, June 16 and 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. EDT. The cost of registration is offered on a sliding scale.


The current University COVID-19 tier level is


Face masks are strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors indoors. Patient care areas, as well as University shuttles and transportation, continue to require masking. A full description of Medical Center masking requirements is available on the URMC Intranet (University network access required).

Find the latest updates, policies, and guidance on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

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