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June 28, 2022

Enjoy your Tuesday, Rochester

Thursday is the last day to donate to a food drive in memory of one of the victims of the recent mass shooting in Buffalo. Find more information, including drop-box locations, below in the For the Community section.

Also in today’s issue:

  • Edith Williams has been named the founding director of the new Office of Health Equity Research
  • New employees can attend a webinar on the University’s retirement plan
  • A brief hiatus is planned for @Rochester next week

Statement on Supreme Court decision

President Sarah Mangelsdorf and Mark Taubman, CEO of the Medical Center and dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry, sent the following message to the University community yesterday: “On Friday the U.S. Supreme Court overruled its previous decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey to rule that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to choose abortion. New York State enshrined in the law this right for its citizens in 1970, three years before the Roe decision in 1973. Governor Hochul has reaffirmed her commitment to the state law.

The issue of abortion rights has long been divisive, and response to last week’s decision will be no different. Whatever your position, we hope that differences will be expressed with respect and viewed as an opportunity for dialogue. The evaluation and discussions about this ruling are only beginning.

It is important that we state that the University of Rochester Medical Center is committed to supporting New York State’s laws while providing all of its patients with high quality, compassionate care. From the vantage point of patient safety, UR Medicine supports access to safe pregnancy termination, which is essential to reproductive health, and we will continue to provide all types of reproductive care. As we work through the implications of the Court’s decision, we are all committed to the health and well-being of our University community and the communities we serve.”

Edith Williams named founding director of the new Office of Health Equity Research

Edith Williams, an associate professor of public health sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina, has been named the founding director of the Office of Health Equity Research, housed at the Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Williams will take up the role on September 1.

Bursar’s Office closed onsite today

The Bursar’s Office onsite operation in Meliora Hall will be closed today due to building maintenance. The staff can be reached by email at

Short hiatus planned for @Rochester next week

@Rochester will take a brief break from July 4 to 8, with no issues planned during that time. We’ll return to our regular weekday schedule on Monday, July 11. If you’re looking for the University’s current COVID tier status next week, it can always be found on the COVID-19 Resource Center.


Astronomers radically reimagine the making of the planets

Wired, June 26

Pebble accretion does not say much about giant impacts like the Earth-Theia crash, which were vital processes in shaping the terrestrial planets, says Miki Nakajima, an assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences and of physics and astronomy. “Even though pebble accretion is very efficient and is a great way to avoid issues with the classical model, it doesn’t seem to be the only way” to make planets, she says.


Retirement program webinar

New employees interested in learning about the retirement program and saving for retirement should consider attending the TIAA webinar: “Getting a Head Start” on Wednesday, June 29, at noon EDT. Gain a better understanding of the University’s direct contributions to your retirement savings, making voluntary contributions, your investment options, and planning services available from TIAA. Register here.


Food drive for Buffalo community wraps up this week

Thursday is the last day to donate to the University Health Service food drive in memory of Mother Pearl Young, a victim of the Buffalo shooting. Donations will be used to support the pantry at her church. Nonperishable food items can be dropped off at boxes in Wilson Commons 201 (Common Connection) and in Lam Square, Rush Rhees Library.


The current University COVID-19 tier level is


Face masks are optional for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors indoors. Patient care areas, as well as University shuttles and transportation, continue to require masking. A full description of Medical Center masking requirements is available on the URMC Intranet (University network access required).

Find the latest updates, policies, and guidance on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

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