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August 2, 2022

Elizabeth Milavec named executive vice president

portrait of elizabeth milavecFollowing an extensive national search, Elizabeth Milavec, who has served as Rochester’s interim senior vice president for administration and finance, CFO, and treasurer since November 2021, has been selected as the University’s inaugural executive vice president for administration and finance and chief financial officer.

Also in today’s issue:

  • Two new grants will help Rochester researchers cut through excess data to speed the search for new materials
  • Students taking part in some of Rochester’s summer research programs will present their work at two poster sessions on Thursday
  • Find out how you can join a registry of people interested in taking part in future research studies

Machine learning pinpoints when matter changes under extreme conditions

Niaz Abdolrahim, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is the principal investigator on two grants that will help Rochester researchers cut through excess data to speed the search for new materials.


Earth’s solid inner core makes life on planet possible, new research shows

Newsweek, August 1

“This research really highlights the need to have something like a growing inner core that sustains a magnetic field over the entire lifetime—many billions of years—of a planet,” says study author John Tarduno, the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Poster sessions feature student research

Students in the Strong Children’s Research Center summer training program and the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program at the Medical Center will present their research at a poster session on Thursday, August 4, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Sarah Flaum Atrium, Medical Center. A second poster session with students in the School of Medicine and Dentistry’s Summer Scholars and Neurocity programs will follow from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Interested in participating in health research?

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute supports a local registry of individuals who are interested in taking part in future research studies. If you are interested in being included on this list, researchers may contact you in the future by phone, email, or mail to ask you to take part in a research study. If you are contacted, you can decide at that time whether or not you want to participate in the clinical study. To sign up, visit the institute’s health research page at You can also join a national registry called ResearchMatch.

Deadline extended for International College of Psychosomatic Medicine World Congress

The Department of Psychiatry announces that the registration deadline for the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine 26th World Congress has been extended to Friday, August 26. The conference will take place from September 7–9 at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Visit the conference website to register.


The current University COVID-19 tier level is


Face masks are optional for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors indoors. Patient care areas, as well as University shuttles and transportation, continue to require masking. A full description of Medical Center masking requirements is available on the URMC Intranet (University network access required).

Find the latest updates, policies, and guidance on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

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