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August 19, 2022

Cluster hiring draws new faculty focused on diversity and inclusion

Sloan Okrey, Tiffany Steele, and Amanda McLeroy on the steps of LeChase Hall on August 17, 2022.

The success of a recent hiring initiative at the Warner School of Education increases both diversity and interdisciplinary research at Rochester—and could serve as a model for other schools and units working to diversify the faculty candidate pool. Sloan Okrey, an assistant professor in counseling and human development; Tiffany Steele, an assistant professor in educational leadership; and Amanda McLeroy, an assistant professor in counseling and human development, above, make up the faculty cluster hire—the first of its kind for Rochester.

In today’s issue:

  • Undergraduate and graduate students can register for Innovation Bootcamp
  • The online employee tuition waiver application is available in HRMS
  • Tickets are available for next month’s Eastman Theatre Centennial Concert

Continued progress on NetID to Active Directory login migrations

University IT has successfully migrated one-third of the applications that use NetID to use Active Directory and is on target to complete the remaining by the end of the year. Recently completed applications include Slate and Axiom.

Notable planned changes include:

  • UR Cisco VPN, in the fall
  • Cornerstone, in late fall
  • Zoom, Blackboard, and other related student services, during winter break

Find a complete list of applications and schedules here.


Trump supporters’ threats to judge spur democracy concerns

Associated Press, August 17

Gretchen Helmke, the Thomas H. Jackson Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Political Science, said Trump’s action mirrors what demagogues have done in other countries where democracy has collapsed. “A popularly elected leader targeting a judiciary is often one early indicator of democratic erosion.”


Register for Innovation Bootcamp

Do you have an idea for a nonprofit, an invention, a service, a business, or a movement? Don’t have an idea but are still interested in being part of the innovation process? All undergraduate and graduate students of any academic discipline are invited to participate in the Innovation Bootcamp from the Ain Center for Entrepreneurship and the Barbara J. Burger iZone on August 29 and 30. Prizes will be awarded to the teams who demonstrate the best progress. Registration closes on Wednesday, August 24.

Applications for spring 2023 education abroad

Spring 2023 applications for education abroad programs are now open. Learn more about how to get started with the process by visiting the Center for Education Abroad website for more information.


Online tuition waiver application for fall 2022

The online employee tuition waiver application is now available in HRMS using the following path: Self Service>Benefits>Tuition>Apply Employee Tuition Waiver. Submit your application within 30 days from the start of your course and it will go directly to your supervisor for approval. Learn more.


Eastman Theatre Centennial Concert set for September 24

Eastman School of Music and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra jointly present the Eastman Theatre Centennial Concert on Saturday, September 24, at 8 p.m. at Kodak Hall, Eastman Theatre. Tickets can be purchased at the Eastman Theatre Box Office, 433 East Main St., or online.


Screenshot of the University’s Instagram showing John Tarduno, professor of geophysics, in South Africa

John Tarduno, the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and dean of research for Arts, Sciences & Engineering, and a student team have spent the summer in South Africa studying rocks and fossil beds, and recording some of the earliest animals in Earth’s history.

Tarduno and his team are collecting samples to gain insight into the strength of Earth’s magnetic field at this time, which will help them determine if there is a connection between animal evolution and the strength of the magnetic field. Find more photos on the University’s Instagram.


The current University COVID-19 tier level is


Face masks are optional for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors indoors. Patient care areas, as well as University shuttles and transportation, continue to require masking. A full description of Medical Center masking requirements is available on the URMC Intranet (University network access required).

Find the latest updates, policies, and guidance on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

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