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September 19, 2022

Rochester researchers go ‘outside the box’ to delineate major ocean currents

For the first time, Rochester researchers led by Hussein Aluie, an associate professor of mechanical engineering, have quantified the energy of ocean currents larger than 1,000 kilometers. In the process, they and their collaborators have discovered that the most energetic is the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, some 9,000 kilometers in diameter.

In today’s issue:

  • A gift from James and Tammy Wyant establishes a challenge fund to increase faculty in the Institute of Optics
  • A flu vaccine clinic for students is scheduled for October 20
  • Registration continues for the “HIGHER Conference for Women in Higher Education”

$12M Wyant gift enables Institute of Optics to aim for 50 percent increase in faculty

Thanks to a $12 million challenge fund from University Life Trustee James Wyant ’67 (MS), ’69 (PhD) and his wife, Tammy, the Institute of Optics will have an opportunity to increase its faculty by 50 percent as it prepares for its 100th-anniversary celebration in 2029.

The challenge will create 10 endowed professorships—five distinguished professorships for renowned faculty and five professorships for early-career faculty. The first distinguished professorship will recognize Nobel Prize recipient Donna Strickland, one of the most notable alumni of the institute, with Optica, a leading society in optics and photonics, providing matching funds.  

“Jim’s and Tammy’s generosity is truly transformational,” says Sarah Mangelsdorf, president and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor. “Their vision and partnership will help the University recruit leading scholars in optics and photonics in an increasingly competitive environment. It will dramatically impact how our Institute of Optics educates and trains the next generation of researchers and leaders. The fact that Optica has already come on board is a testament to the important work being done here.”

Student flu vaccine clinic scheduled for October 20

On Thursday, October 20, University Health Service (UHS) will host a flu vaccine clinic for students from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Goergen Athletic Center, located across from Fauver Stadium on the River Campus. Additional details will follow as the date nears.

The flu shot is covered in full for all active members of the University’s student health insurance plan (Aetna) and is generally covered in full by most private insurance plans. Students should contact their insurance plan directly for specific coverage details. Flu vaccines offer the best and safest way to prevent the spread of the illness and getting vaccinated does not cause the flu. Some people may react with a sore arm or feel achy after the shot, but this is much better than coming down with influenza.

Due to current staffing constraints, UHS is unable to host a flu clinic for faculty or staff this year and encourages employees to get their flu vaccine in one of the following ways:

  • Pharmacy walk-ins: This may be the easiest way for a lot of faculty and staff. With most health insurance plans, there is no cost when you visit a pharmacy such as CVS, Walgreens, or Wegmans to receive a flu shot, and no appointment is needed.
  • Visit your primary care doctor: Your family doctor should have the vaccine available for you and your family. The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone ages 6 months or older, and a high-dose vaccine may be available to individuals ages 65 years or older.
  • Information for URMC faculty, staff, students, and volunteers on upcoming flu vaccine clinics can be found here.

Getting a flu shot is one way you can protect your own health and that of the University community in the coming months.


Education Abroad Global Fair

The Center for Education Abroad is hosting an in-person Global Fair on Wednesday, September 21, in Hirst Lounge, from 1 to 4 p.m., and a virtual Global Fair on Thursday, September 22, from 9 a.m. to noon EDT through CCC. Learn about opportunities abroad from over a dozen programs from around the world.


‘UR Out’ National Coming Out Day photos

Are you an out member of the LGBTQ community and a University employee? Consider joining the University-wide LGBTQ “UR Out” project. For National Coming Out Day the LGBTQ Advocacy Committee will share a collage of headshots of all out LGBTQ employees who wish to be included. Names, positions, and other information about participants will not be shared. The collage aims to again be a powerful and visible representation that helps to foster a sense of community, while letting LGBTQ students, coworkers, and patients know that they are welcome at the University. Fill out this form and follow the instructions therein to submit your photo by Friday, September 30. If you participated in the past, you still need to sign up this year and submit a photo.

Tuition reimbursement at outside colleges and universities

Faculty and staff: Don’t forget to submit your application for your fall classes no later than 30 days from the start of the course. The application and more information about tuition reimbursement for employees can be found online.

Register now for Well-U’s Walktober

Experience autumn as you make physical activity part of your daily routine in this 31-day wellness program through Well-U. Be motivated by your teammates or work on your personal wellness goals as an individual, interact with the message board, gather helpful resources and articles, and more. Register here before October 7.

Healthy snacking on the go

Join Bethany Moran, a dietitian with Well-U‘s lifestyle management team on Tuesday, September 20, at noon EDT for a live webinar on how to incorporate snacks that are both nutritious and delicious to help you reach your health goals. Register here.


‘HIGHER Conference for Women in Higher Education’

The Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion is hosting the “HIGHER Conference for Women in Higher Education,” taking place Thursday, September 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Feldman Ballroom, Frederick Douglass Commons.

The HIGHER conference is designed to create space for conversations and connections that empower women in higher education to push through barriers to reach their career goals and to pull other women up along the way. The event is open to faculty, administrators, health care professionals, alumni, graduate students, and postdocs. Find more information and register for the free event.

Basketball teams host fall clinic

The men’s and women’s basketball teams are offering a four-session clinic on Sunday, October 2, 9, 23, and 30, from 10 a.m. to noon. The clinic is designed to help basketball players of all ages prepare for their upcoming seasons. Registration materials are available online. Direct questions to Men’s Basketball Coach Luke Flockerzi at or Women’s Basketball Coach Jim Schieble at


The current University COVID-19 tier level is


Masking when around other people indoors is strongly encouraged, especially for those who are at increased risk of severe illness if they become infected. Patient care areas, as well as University shuttles and transportation, continue to require masking. A full description of Medical Center masking requirements is available on the URMC Intranet (University network access required).

Find the latest updates, policies, and guidance on the University’s COVID-19 Resource Center.

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