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March 2, 2023

How will AI chatbots like ChatGPT affect higher education?

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot, continues to have internet users abuzz, given its ability to answer prompts on a stunning variety of subjects, to create songs, recipes, and jokes, to draft emails, and more. Rochester faculty and administrators offer their thoughts on the pros and cons of ChatGPT—and how it may affect teaching and learning down the road.

In today’s issue:

  • A national search is underway for the position of vice president for marketing and communications
  • Rochester faculty and instructors are encouraged to complete a survey on an upcoming Health Promotion Office program
  • Applications are being accepted for the Translational Immunology and Infectious Diseases Institute pilot program

Search underway for vice president for marketing and communications

A national search is underway for the position of vice president for marketing and communications, which will play a critical role in helping Rochester convey its academic and research strengths, commitments to excellence and access, importance in national and global dialogues, and contributions to local, national, and international communities.

The search committee is chaired by Tom Farrell ’88, ’90W (MS), senior vice president for University Advancement and chief advancement officer.  The search firm of Isaacson, Miller is assisting with the recruiting of highly qualified candidates to serve in this key leadership role, which has been redefined to ensure that marketing and communications efforts across the University are consistent with an overarching brand, institutional values, and the new strategic plan. Find more information regarding the search, the search committee, and how to nominate candidates.

2023 Educational IT Innovation Grant Awards recipients

The Educational IT Committee’s Innovation Grant program provides funding through a proposal process to support faculty and staff in adopting new technologies to their teaching. The program also includes mentorship, support, and connection to existing resources in the institution through the committee. Learn about the 2023 grant recipients.

Flags to be lowered for Life Trustee Carl Williams

University flags on Eastman Quadrangle and near the entrance of Strong Memorial Hospital will be lowered on Thursday, March 9, for Life Trustee Carl Williams ’75S (MBA), who died on July 2, 2022. Williams served on the Board of Trustees from 1999 to 2012 and was active on many board and alumni committees.


Global Photo Contest deadline March 5

The deadline to submit your photos to the 2023 Global Photo Contest is Sunday, March 5. Any student who went abroad between fall 2021 and fall 2022 is eligible to submit photos. International students who are currently on campus are eligible for the International Student Photo Contest portion.

Institute for Music Leadership podcast artwork competition

The Institute for Music Leadership is commissioning new artwork for its rebranded podcast, Careers in Crescendo: Lessons for Musicians, which features conversations with Eastman School of Music alumni, faculty, staff, IML grant winners, and industry leaders on topics of careers, creative projects, and current events in the field. The winning submission will receive a $250 cash prize. Applicants must be matriculated students at the University and eligible to receive payment in the US. The deadline is March 15 at 11:59 PM. The submission form and detailed contest requirements are available here.


Survey on upcoming Health Promotion Office program

During the spring 2023 semester, the UHS Health Promotion Office is seeking input to help with the development of a new program and is inviting all faculty and instructors to complete this brief survey. The program is designed to offer faculty and instructors simple strategies they can use to navigate conversations with students who are struggling and to teach faculty and instructors how to cultivate supportive classroom environments that can enhance student well-being. It will include a series of workshops from a variety of campus experts in the fields of student support and well-being, as well as a guidebook with expert advice, practical tools, case studies, and best practices. The program, “Well-Being for Life and Learning Training,” is scheduled to launch in fall 2023. The survey is open to all faculty and instructors of undergraduate and graduate courses across all schools.

Translational Immunology and Infectious Diseases Institute pilot program applications

The Translational Immunology and Infectious Diseases Institute pilot program fosters innovative, new ideas and team-driven multidisciplinary translational research projects related to infectious disease and immunology. There will be up to three awards annually of up to $33,000. Eligible applicants must be full-time tenure or research track faculty at the University. Find more information and application instructions here. The application deadline is Friday, March 31, by 5 p.m. EDT.

UR Medicine EAP blog post on excellence over perfection

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Is it affecting your productivity and performance in the workplace? This week’s UR Medicine EAP’s blog post offers tips on striving for excellence, rather than perfection. UR Medicine EAP is brought to you by Well-U, helping eligible individuals to assess issues, and provide short-term counseling and referrals.


Webinar on master’s programs in the Department of Public Health Sciences

Join faculty from the Department of Public Health Sciences for a webinar about master’s programs on Monday, March 6, from noon to 12:30 p.m. EST. The programs are designed to actively prepare graduates for careers in public health (MPH online and online/on-campus hybrid), health services research and policy (MS-HSRP), epidemiology (MS-EPI), or clinical research (MS-CI). The webinar will highlight key elements of each program and discuss program requirements and the application process. It will also discuss the accelerated public health program for undergraduates. Register in advance, even if you cannot attend. A link to a recording of the webinar will be sent to all registrants, regardless of attendance, after the event. For questions, email Annie Majoka.

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