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November 17, 2023

Pancreatic cancer discovery opens the door for clinical trial at Wilmot

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to manage because it spreads easily and early, and the tumors have a unique biological makeup. A team of researchers including Darren Carpizo, co-leader of Wilmot Cancer Institute’s genetics, epigenetics, and metabolism research program and chief of surgical oncology, have made a breakthrough by learning about the genetic changes that occur during tumor migration — and have also found a drug that can obstruct the process. A groundbreaking clinical trial of the drug is planned for early 2024 at Wilmot Cancer Institute.

In today’s issue:

  • Support Friends of Strong’s patient care initiatives at today’s holiday market
  • The nomination deadline for the Presidential Stronger as One Diversity Awards has been extended to December 1
  • The Warner School has launched a Higher Education Residential Fellow Program

University reiterates campus policies and expectations for campus events

“In recognition that members of the University of Rochester community have strongly held viewpoints regarding the heartbreaking conflict between Israel and Hamas in and near Gaza, we think it is important to reiterate several policies and expectations for events and activities that take place on campus. These long-standing policies have been enacted to allow freedom of expression while providing for the daily activities of the University in a safe environment. We remind all members of the community that they are expected to abide by University codes of conduct and policies regarding campus resources and activities.” Read the full message.


UR Well: New student success program promotes living and learning well

LearningWell magazine, November 13

This fall, the Health Promotion Office launched the Well-Being for Life and Learning Training Program, designed for student-support staff who are hungry for tools to support struggling students.

“We were working so hard to help these students on an individual level, but it really wasn’t impacting their health,” says Amy McDonald, director of the Health Promotion Office. “So, we really started to shift our thinking to, ‘How can we take a more systems and settings approach to this?’”


Free admission to the women’s NCAA soccer game

Tickets are free to the women’s NCAA soccer game on Saturday, November 18, at 1 p.m. in Edwin Fauver Stadium for undergraduate students upon showing their University ID. Tickets will also be free for students if Rochester’s women’s soccer team advances to the NCAA sectional finals game on Sunday, November 19, at 3 p.m. Sponsored by Wilson Commons Student Activities and Athletics and Recreation.


Reflect on gratitude as a resource and practice

How can you ground yourself in gratitude to deepen appreciation for life’s gifts and to weather life’s storms? Faculty and staff can attend a facilitated opportunity to reflect and catch their breath on Monday, November 20, from 11:15 a.m. to noon or from 12:15 to 1 p.m. at the Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center, Douglass Commons. Lunch is provided. Find details and register here.

‘Seeds for Collaboration’ faculty and postdoc mixer

“Seeds for Collaboration” is a faculty and postdoc mixer sponsored by the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience and the School of Medicine and Dentistry dean’s office. At each event, colleagues mingle for half an hour, and then three 5-8 minute talks are presented. Attend on Wednesday, November 29, at 4:30 p.m. in LeChase Assembly Hall, (G-9576), Medical Center. Drinks, snacks, and talks begin at 5 p.m.

Apply to the Geriatrics Faculty Scholars Program

The University’s Aging Institute announces a request for proposals for pilot studies in aging. The program funds new collaborative research studies that will support future applications for funding from NCI, NIA, or other extramural sources. Find more information on the application process here. Submit your letter of intent via email by Monday, December 18, at 5 p.m.

Great Strides: Over 950 million steps taken during Walktober

What do you get when you invite the University to track its steps for a month? Well-U’s annual fall wellness challenge, Walktober, had 3,700 participants track more than 954 million steps. Read more about the challenge on the Medical Center’s intranet. (VPN or login may be required.)


Holiday market today at the School of Medicine and Dentistry

Get a head start on holiday shopping at the Friends of Strong annual holiday market today, November 17, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Sarah Flaum Atrium. Browse handcrafted gifts and goodies from dozens of local artists and merchants; visit with Strong’s pet therapy dogs and see their new 2024 wall calendar; and celebrate the holiday spirit with tastings and a prize drawing that benefits patient care initiatives throughout the hospital. New this year, the UR Medicine Food Pantry will also be accepting non-perishable food donations at this event. Check out the food needs list here.

Grief circle with the Gandhi Institute

Attend an in-person grief circle at the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, 929 South Plymouth Avenue, on Sunday, November 19, from noon to 1:30 p.m. as part of International Restorative Justice Week. Every kind of grief is welcome. Learn more and register here.

Learn about Warner’s graduate degree programs designed for healthcare professionals

Attend a Warner School of Education and Human Development information session from 8 to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 21, at Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters in the Strong Memorial Hospital lobby. Learn more about graduate programs in health professions education, including a master’s and advanced certificate, and a new EdD in health professions education leadership. The Warner School welcomes applications on a rolling basis. Apply any time before December 1 for an entry term as early as spring 2024. Contact Warner’s admissions office with questions. Learn more and register to attend.

Diversity Awards deadline extended to December 1

The nomination period for the Presidential Stronger as One Diversity Awards has been extended to December 1. The annual awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, January 25, in the Richard Feldman Ballroom, Douglass Commons. The awards honor faculty, staff, students, the Greater Rochester community, and a member of the Board of Trustees whose actions, activities, and accomplishments help the University foster a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Navigate your job search with Headhunter on Tap

Bring your questions and join Barbara Grossman ’77 and Jay Berger, cofounders of Paradigm Partners with decades of experience in executive search and career development, on Friday, December 8, at noon for a conversation on conducting a job search and all things career-related. Register now for the virtual event.

Warner School launches Higher Education Residential Fellow Program

The Warner School of Education and Human Development is accepting applications to its Higher Education Residential Fellow Program. In partnership with the University’s Office for Residential Life and Housing Services, the unique new program is designed to cultivate leaders in residential life on college campuses. Successful candidates will receive assistantships that include a 60 percent tuition scholarship, annual stipend, housing, mentorship, and other perks. Participation is open to individuals who apply to the Warner School’s higher education master’s, EdD, and PhD programs by December 15. Learn more about the program and apply here. Email Andrea Barrett with questions or for additional information.


Screenshot of the University's Facebook page. An illustration of a man at the center of two magnets, with arrows pointing inward.

Researchers from around the world wait for months for the opportunity to blast a tiny sample of matter with a laser beam at the University’s OMEGA EP Laser. A new video from Vox explains how scientists at the University’s Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures are creating pressures as high as the center of Jupiter to understand how materials change and energy is created.

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