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May 23, 2024

Streamlined microcomb design provides control with the flip of a switch

PhD student Zhengdong Gao adjusts a microcomb device

Rochester researchers led by Qiang Lin, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and at the Institute of Optics, created a chip-scale microcomb laser with an innovative design that allows users to control the optical frequency comb simply by switching on a power source. Above, electrical and computer engineering PhD student Zhengdong Gao adjusts the device.

In today’s issue:

  • The Office of Total Rewards hosts a retiree benefits webinar
  • Attend a reception at the Bridge Art Gallery
  • Free foot scans from Rochester Running Company at the URMC Fitness Center

Retiree benefits webinar

The Office of Total Rewards hosts a retiree benefits webinar on Friday, May 31, at noon on what it means to be eligible for retiree benefits, health and dental insurance, Medicare, enrollment periods, and other benefits offered to you as a University retiree.

Get a discount on auto insurance premiums

Drivers with a New York State license may receive a discount on auto insurance premiums and remove up to four points from their driving record by completing a defensive driving class. University employees and retirees can take advantage of online classes offered by Liberty Mutual for a reduced rate regardless of their insurance carrier. Register here.


Bridge Art Gallery reception

The Department of Psychiatry’s Bridge Art Gallery will hold a reception for its upcoming show, “Growth in Tough Times,” on Wednesday, May 29, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Romano Room (1-9041)Join community artists to celebrate and view artworks exploring themes of overcoming adversity and growth. Register to attend.

Free foot scan from Rochester Running Company

The URMC Fitness Center hosts an event on Thursday, May 30, from noon to 4 p.m. providing participants with a 15-minute one-on-one consultation with Rochester Running Company, including a 3D foot scan that can be used for customized molded insoles. The event is free, but registration is necessary.

Participate in a research study on cognitive control

Healthy individuals ages 30 to 80 are needed to participate in a research study on cognitive control. The study involves a phone screening and, if qualified, two 90-minute MRI sessions on separate visits at the University’s Center for Advanced Brain Imaging and Neurophysiology. Participants will perform computer-based cognitive tasks while inside the MRI machine. Compensation is up to $160. If interested, email or call (315) 326-1061 to leave a message.

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