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May 28, 2024

Can diet help with advanced breast cancer?

A small study by researchers at the Medical Center and Wilmot Cancer Institute shows that women with breast cancer who exclusively ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet lost weight, improved cholesterol levels and other key metabolic factors, had less fatigue, and perceived that they felt sharper mentally and generally better. Study participants were individuals with stage 4 breast cancer who will be on lifelong treatment.

In today’s issue:

  • Seasonal discounts from for eligible employees
  • Register to attend the annual Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards
  • Attend an information session on the Warner School’s advanced certificate in addictions counseling

Flags will be lowered for Ira Shoulson

University flags on the Eastman Quadrangle and near the entrance of Strong Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department will be lowered on Tuesday, June 11, for Ira Shoulson, a retired professor in the Department of Neurology, who died on May 12. Shoulson joined the University faculty in 1975.


Learn exercise fundamentals with Well-U

In Well-U’s Fitness 101 program, build the foundation for a physical activity plan to fit your specific needs—including the challenges of motivation and recovery. A five-session program starts on Thursday, May 30. Sign up now.

Seasonal employee discounts

Through LifeMart by, eligible employees have access to regular and seasonal discounts including travel deals, yard cleanup, and more as part of the free premium membership. This benefit is part of the current offerings available to employees along with YOUR Benefits ExtrasLifeMart by can be accessed via your free membership account.


Research talk: ‘Artificial Intelligence Unlocks Perceptual Realism in Holographic 3D Displays’

Join the Goergen Institute for Data Science, the Institute of Optics, the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and the Center for Visual Science for “Artificial Intelligence Unlocks Perceptual Realism in Holographic 3D Displays,” a research talk with Kaan Akşit, an associate professor of computational light in the Computer Science Department at University College London. The research talk is today, May 28, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in Goergen Hall, Room 101.

Medical Center faculty and staff to be celebrated with Satcher Awards

Tarun Bhalla, an associate professor of neurosurgery, imaging sciences, and neurology; Maria Quiñones-Cordero, an assistant professor of clinical nursing and associate director of center activities at the Elaine C. Hubbard Center for Nursing; Susan Rietberg-Miller, senior public health project specialist in the OBGYN Research Department; and the EAST-UR Collaborative will be honored during the Center for Community Health & Prevention’s 15th annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards. This year’s keynote address, “The Power of Community Engagement in the Fight for Environmental, Climate and Energy Justice: Approaches, Solutions, and Impact,” will be presented by Sacoby Wilson, director of community engagement, environmental justice, and health at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Register today to attend on Friday, May 31.

Learn about the addictions counseling advance certificate for health care professionals

Attend a virtual information session from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5, to learn more about the Warner School of Education and Human Development’s new advanced certificate in addictions counseling. The four-course program is designed for master’s-level healthcare professionals, including counselors, social workers, nurses, rehabilitation counselors, marriage and family therapists, and psychologists, who are seeking the Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor credential and looking to enhance and grow their careers. Contact Warner’s admissions office with questions. Learn more and register to attend.

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