April 3, 2023

Laura Jones works with computer science sophomores Amber Lai, Stela Ciko, and Eunice Adam during a Communicating Your Professional Identity class session. (Photo by J. Adam Fenster/University of Rochester)

Dear members of the Hajim School community,

This is the 10th anniversary of WRTG 273: Communicating Your Professional Identity. The class teaches our students real-life communications skills and strategies, such as writing a resume, preparing an elevator pitch, and creating a LinkedIn profile.

This unique and important class helps our students present their professional qualifications to potential employers, mentors, and graduate schools. I am especially proud and thankful for our “Real Readers,” alumni from around the world who volunteer their time and expertise to mentor and provide feedback to our students. I hear from students all the time about how this class and their Real Readers have helped them advance in their careers.

Just ask biomedical engineering alumna Emma Luke ’19. Her Real Reader, Daniel Shedd ’12, provided connections for her to spend a summer as a research assistant at the University of Utah. Moreover, Luke says the resume skills and elevator pitch she developed in the class were “very useful” in applying to graduate school at Utah, where she is pursuing a PhD in biomedical engineering. “I continue to develop and use these skills at conferences and when networking,” she adds.

Now, Emma is one of our Real Readers. “I knew during my time as an undergraduate student that I wanted to give back to this program and become a Real Reader one day,” Emma says. “I would like to think that my mentorship could change someone’s path like my Real Reader changed mine.” Contact Laura Jones if you are interested in serving as a Real Reader. Learn more about the exciting growth of this program.


Two computer science juniors were among the recipients of Susan B. Anthony Legacy Awards at the Susan B. Anthony Center on Saturday. Congratulations to Hana Genana, who is also majoring in studio art, and Angie (Quynh-Anh) Pham, who is also majoring in digital media studies. They are both recipients of Susan B. Anthony Scholarships.

Hana is passionate about promoting equitable education for all, mentoring younger students, creating an inclusive learning environment, and inspiring young women in STEM. Angie, who is deeply committed to female and queer empowerment, helps fellow students in several ways, as a Writing Fellow tutor, a Study Zone leader, and a digital media specialist at the Rettner Media Lab.

Learn more about all the winners and their bios.


Icel Sukovaty ’23 of optics giving a presentation at the Institute of Optics during a series of workshops for the AIM Photonics Consortium.

“I never expected to have so many opportunities,” says Icel Sukovaty ’23 about her undergraduate experiences at The Institute of Optics.

She landed the first of three Lockheed Martin internships in her very first semester by attending a meeting of the Industrial Associates program. The next semester she was accepted into the research lab of Professor Thomas Brown. And in January she presented a paper at SPIE West, a top optics and photonics conference, where she also appeared on a panel discussion with professionals in the field.

She has even starred on the Women’s Varsity Cross Country team and is training to run in the Boston Marathon this month.

Learn more about Icel’s background and how she found a focus for her future at the Hajim School.


Can pregnant women who get dental checkupsat their obstetrician’s officehelp prevent severe tooth decay among young children?

Jiebo Luo, the Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering and professor of computer science, has helped a multidisciplinary team create a smartphone app to test this intriguing concept.

While at a routine obstetrician visit, a participating patient will have intra-oral photos taken, and install a smartphone app, AICaries, developed by the team, which can detect signs of tooth decay in herself or her children. If she has dental pain or concerns, she can secure a virtual dental visit and then an appointment for treatment, if needed.

“Education and prevention are critical to resolving this significant public health problem,” says project leader Jin Xiao, associate professor at the University’s Eastman Institute for Oral Health. “Pregnancy is an ideal time to promote prevention given the profound influence of maternal oral health and behaviors on children’s oral health.” Learn more.


student holding their awards stand in a line beside the AS&E dean of graduate education

Tre DiPassio (left) and fellow best poster winners Renee Jin, Qinzhi Ruby Zeng, and Juan David Villada Morales with Nick Vamivakas, the dean of graduate education and postdoctoral affairs in AS&E, at the second annual AS&E Graduate Research Symposium. (Photo by Katie Ferruzza)

The second annual AS&E Graduate Research Symposium on March 23 featured more than 70 student presenters from across disciplines. Close to 200 attendees stopped by to see posters of their work and celebrate the research being done by graduate students in Arts, Sciences & Engineering. Faculty and staff served as judges and four students were awarded $300 cash prizes for best poster in their discipline.

Among this year’s winners was Tre DiPassio, a doctoral student in electrical and computer engineering, for his poster titled “Interacting with Smart Audio Devices Using Induced Structural Vibrations.”

Kudos to Tre, who is also one of the engineering finalists for this year’s Three Minute Thesis competition! He and Ziyang Ye, a doctoral student in materials science, will be competing tomorrow afternoon. Join me in cheering them on as they represent the Hajim School while describing their research to a global audience—all within three minutes.


Seniors, today is the last day to submit nominations for our Dottie Welch Student Enrichment Award. The award recognizes a staff member whose performance and dedication enrich the student experience. Here’s the list of eligible staff members. Please email the Hajim School Dean’s Office (hajimschool@ur.rochester.edu) with the name of the staff member you are nominating and a few sentences explaining why you think that person is deserving of the award.

Have a great week!

Your dean,
Wendi Heinzelman


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