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Get Ready for Fall Registration

Registration for fall 2018 begins Monday, April 2. This week (March 26–30) is Advising Week and many academic departments and programs are offering special advising hours and events to provide information on majors, minors, courses, and other academic opportunities. Students in the Classes of 2021 and 2022 are encouraged to meet with their advisors to discuss their fall course plans.

Deadlines Approach for Class of 2018

The deadline is Monday, April 2, to

  • make any changes to be reflected in the commencement program. Changes include, but are not limited to, new majors/minors, new degrees, changes in majors/minors, changes in degrees, and name changes.
  • submit new major/minor/degree declaration forms, paper or electronic. All new declarations will require a petition if completed after the April 2 deadline.
  • to reclassify out of the Class of 2018 or into the Class of 2018 in time to have your name included in the commencement program. Any requests processed after April 2 will not be included in the commencement program.

Visit the College Center for Advising Services in Lattimore Hall 312 with any questions. Walk-in hours are Monday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.

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